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Research theme: Sustainable Societies

The growing need to develop truly sustainable societies has arisen from global issues which affect us all; countries which are riven by war and conflict; the depletion of energy, food, water and other resources, and weak governance and economic models leading to corruption and stark inequalities.

The academic theme of Sustainable Societies includes innovation and expertise in fields such as sociology, business and economics, archaeology and heritage and peace and development. Our research supports growth in economic, political and relational well-being for current and future generations through globally-relevant resources and initiatives.

Below are details of the centres at the University of Bradford that promote such innovation, along with a selection of stories that illustrate some of our successes to date.

Hands holding a globe showing africa with green grass background

Research centres and institutes

Below are links to our specialist research hubs at the University of Bradford. There is further information about our work with external partners on our Strategic Collaborations  page.

Sustainable societies stories

A selection of articles, videos and more arranged by category which relate to our theme of sustainable societies. Read more from our archive.