Girlington Community Centre
Rubina Burhan - Centre Manager

How do you find the UOB summer experience programme?
Rubina (centre manager at Girlington centre) said she thinks the UOB summer experience internship programme is fantastic and something the University should be applauded on.
She sees many inequalities young people face, (particularly form BAME backgrounds) and so it is important to their organisation to give opportunities to young people.
Rubina stated that, as an employer she recognises that it is important for students to experience working with real people and challenges. It creates awareness of skills you need and the processes to follow
An internship is also a great way to develop skills such as communication, confidence, and commitment
What jobs do you offer for graduates?
As a centre we offer many services, therefore there are many areas in which graduates can work in. We currently have 3 trainees in our ‘advice roles’ and this can often be a steppingstone for law students looking to the secure a contract with solicitors. We also offer roles within our counselling and well being service.
A great project, well done Bradford Uni!
What are the most important characteristics you look for in a candidate?
“Honesty, being credible and genuine”.
Rubina said, as an employer and considering the work they do, she finds these to be the most important traits. She is not interested in ‘textbook’ answers and would prefer if someone said they didn’t know something, rather than pretend they did as you can always pick up skills and progress; providing you have the right attitude
What advice would you give to graduates at the start of their career?
Rubina said that as a BAME woman she has found that she has had to work harder than some of her peers, to prove herself. Therefore, she would advise students from a similar background to show great commitment to their studies and work experiences, to show that you are competent and asset to organisations. She talked about her own experiences of being a south Asian woman who wears a scarf and how she may have been judged or perceived as not being good enough, but she has worked hard to show she is. She is proud of all the work she has done and also said that competence should not become arrogance.
Can you tell us something interesting about working at your organisation that you wouldn’t get from looking at the website?
The passion we have for our community. Bradford is what can be known as an ‘immigrant city’ so we are always looking to develop, to suit and continue to support our everchanging community.