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NHS resources

Access is provided to NHS online resources for University of Bradford students with an extended NHS placement included in their programme of study.

How is access provided?

An NHS OpenAthens account is needed to access the NHS resources.

The University of Bradford library will set up NHS OpenAthens accounts for all students on eligible programmes. Students on these programmes will receive an OpenAthens email in November, with details of their NHS OpenAthens username and inviting them to activate their new accounts and by creating a password.

Contact if you experience problems with the activation process, or believe that an eligible programme has been missed.

What is available through the NHS?

Once your account is activated, log into NHS resources through NICE OpenAthens.

Use the navigation panel on the left and click on My resources.

The NHS offer a large range of resources. Use the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub to cross-search or to search within specific resources.

Is there a physical library?

The Bradford Teaching Hospital have a library based at the Bradford Royal Infirmary. Please see the BRI Library website for further information and services on offer.

Further help

All problems with accessing the resources available as part of the Core Content set should be reported to the Knowledge Hub helpdesk

Feel free to book an appointment with one of the Health Librarians, if you need help searching for information using the University of Bradford library resources.