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Library community and events

Join the library community

Do you want to find out about all our exciting events in the library? Join our library community and we will email you about activities and opportunities available.

Get involved, make friends and have fun!

Email us at and join our mailing list.

Living Library

Don't judge a book by its cover!

Living Library books are people from our community in Bradford who will share a personal experience or perspective on life. Borrow a living book in a safe space and take the opportunity to have a conversation and learn more about their experience. Read more about our past Living Library events.

Forthcoming events

Library events

The library organises a range of events aimed at our students and staff throughout the year. Here you can see what is coming up next, book a place and also read about our past events.

Forthcoming events

Library community quilt

Please come along and help start our library community quilt. The University is a vibrant patchwork of people and experiences, and we are hoping to reflect some of this in our library quilt project. Come along, take a square and decorate it to reflect what our library, learning and Bradford means to you. All the squares will then be sewn together and quilted. You don’t need to bring anything with you but your creativity, as materials will be provided.

There will be a quick presentation at the start of the session and then you will have the opportunity to gather materials to get started. We are not expecting anyone to finish anything in the session. You can take your square away and work on it at your own pace. This is also a great opportunity to make new connections and learn and share new skills.

We are hoping that you will contribute the first squares to the quilt and that we will keep adding to it, so that it becomes a living part of our library, changing, and growing as time goes by.

Location: JBP 0.17 (ask at the library counter for directions).

Keep checking this page for details of future sessions.

One World Week poetry event display with poetry books and poems from students.

Library Event Coordinators

Student Event Coordinators (Library Services) volunteer to help run library-based activities and events in the "Library Community Group". Working as a team they develop and plan a programme of innovative events for the library community.

Read more about the role and benefits, including recruitment for this role.

Student Event Coordinators and Student Advisory Group members with library staff.

Library book club

The Library runs a regular book club in collaboration with Bradford Libraries who kindly provide us  a number of books to borrow. For each title chosen, the group then meet to discuss the book. The book club is friendly, informal and open to all students and staff - do come and join us!

Read about our previous book club titles and meetings.

Next title in book club

Next we will be reading The Lighthouse by Alison Moore. The library has a small number of books to lend out (kindly provided to us by Bradford Libraries). Do pick up a copy at the library counter and join us!

We will be meeting to discuss the book on Wednesday 19 June in JB Priestley room 0.17. All welcome.