Parents & Carers
There may be times when you are concerned about a family member at university. We recognise our students as independent adults, and to protect their privacy, we need their consent to speak with anyone outside of the university about them. This includes parents and carers.
If you are worried about a family member, please contact the Counselling and Mental Health Service and we can give you general advice and guidance. We take students’ welfare seriously and any concerns raised will be followed up: or
Talk to your family member about contact numbers
- Have names and contact numbers for flat mates and/or friends
- Make yourself aware of the contact number for the University of Bradford Security Team:
- Telephone: + 44 (0)1274 236999
- Email:
- Download the Safe Zone App
- If the student is in halls of residence, do you have the warden’s contact number? (See suggested contact details in Appendix)
- Ensure the student has helplines and mental health crisis numbers
- Bradford NHS First Response on 0800 952 1181.
- National Emergency Services on 999
- Samaritans on 116 123
- See our Urgent Help webpage for more information.
- Find out who your family member’s Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) is. This person is a member of academic staff who is assigned to your family member throughout their time at university to support them with their personal, academic, and professional development
Emergency Contacts
- We ask all of our students when they enrol / re-enrol to nominate at least one, preferably two Emergency Contacts. It may be that they choose a parent or carer for this role, but it also may be a friend / family friend. You may want to have a conversation with your family member about their choice.
- Further information is available about the use of Emergency Contacts and how we use them.
Be aware of which student support services are available
Student support services will not be able to speak with you directly about the student without their explicit consent, however, you can support them to contact student services directly if that would be appropriate:
- Career and Employability Services
- Chaplaincy and faith advisers
- Counselling and Mental Health Service
- Disability Service
- Student Life (money and general welfare)
- On-campus nursery
- IT Services
- Students’ Union
Ensure they are registered with a local GP practice
- The University encourages all students to register with a GP, if not with our local student medical practice, then with one of their choice or the one the family uses for the sake of their health and wellbeing.
- It is a requirement for students to be registered with a GP to use our Service.
- If your family member is not already registered with a doctor, we suggest that they register with the NHS Bradford Student Health practice, which is a 5-minute walk away from the main university campus.
- Address: Bradford Student Health, Laisteridge Lane, Bradford, Yorkshire, BD5 0HR& (map)
- Telephone: 01274 371 380
Are you concerned about your family member?
- Is your family member well enough to be at university right now?
- There are University processes that can assist students to make decisions about whether to continue their course of study, or whether to suspend or leave due to difficult circumstances.
- The student’s Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) would be the most appropriate person to discuss their options with. The University of Bradford Student Union Advisors will also be able to advise.
- Encourage your family member to make an appointment with their GP
- When was the last time you saw your family member?
- Perhaps consider reaching out to the halls of residence warden, if applicable (see Appendix), or flat mates and friends
- In an emergency, call the emergency services on 999
- You can raise a concern by completing an online request for support, but please be aware that whilst we will respond to the concern with the student, this may not meet our threshold to inform you of our actions.
Student accommodation contact details
Unipol - Accommodation Services Officer for Bradford (have access to private landlord information)
Office: (01274) 088620 Mobile: 07850 462892
Contact Details for Wardens – Halls of Residence
- Wardley House - Sanctuary Students
Little Horton Lane, Bradford BD5 0AG
0300 123 5050
- The Green
Richmond Road, City Of Bradford BD7 1BP
01274 062 390 (Reception)
- Kexgill Tower
38 Smith Street, Bradford BD7 1DJ
(01274) 734900
On site manager Malina - 07966046860
- Arkwright House
16 Tumbling Hill Street, Bradford BD7 1DB
(01274) 721378/(01274) 350619
Manager - Simon Jordison
24 hour security team 07921353252
- Lennon House
149-151 Sunbridge Road, Bradford BD1 2NU
Maria – 07851586404
- Horton House - Alpha Student Services
135 Great Horton Road,
Warden – 07932977388
(01274) 455061
- Longside House - Alpha Student Services
Longside Lane
Warden - 07932977388
- Mirage House - Browntree Properties
Legrams Mill, Legrams Lane, BD7 7NH
Call (01274) 745885 -24 hour on call service to students
- Doris Birdsall Hall
Easby Road
(01274) 088620