MChem (Medicinal Chemistry)
I’m amazed at how much on our course they actually let us do. We get to use things that are quite expensive pieces of machinery that you’ve heard about being used and we actually get to use it which I find really interesting.
Varied learning
"To start off with, the course is your usual subjects in Chemistry, so you've got organic, inorganic and physical, and then an optional. For optional, I chose biomolecules and cells and this year, I've chosen human physiology because I'm a bit more biology based than maths.
"I've always liked chemistry, I mean, chemistry hasn't always liked me because I struggled with it, but it's one of those things, I quite enjoy it, I find it quite interesting and there's a lot of applications to it, a lot of things you can do with it.
"Its one of like the core sciences where you can either do biology on the side of it or physics if you want to, it nicely overlaps with all the other sciences. I’ve always been quite science-based, but I like the way chemistry kind of overlaps with all of them, so I kind of get a bit of all three rather than just having to choose one."

Help and support
"I got diagnosed with Graves Disease this year. It's related to all sorts of things with all sorts of symptoms, as soon as I got that, I talked to my personal tutor and he referred me to Disability Services. They put it through so that I can have extra time in exams and extra time for doing coursework."
Getting involved
"I'm part of the Equestrian Club, we go riding every Wednesday, which is really good fun. It's quite a good stress reliever as well. Doing sport and having a social group, it's really good. I'm the charity exec for it, so I'm in charge of running events and things like that.
"We've got social activities on Wednesday night so it's like team socials, where everyone from the club meets together, has a social so it's drinking games, you don't have to drink if you're not a drinker, like you can just drink normal drinks, we try and include everyone. Then all of the clubs meet up at the Student Union bar afterwards just to join together and have a dance.
"It's quite good to get into a society and meet people if you don’t live locally because then you’ve got somewhere to stay if you want to go out. So you can still have the same experience, while also living at home."

Career-wise, I’m either hoping to do a PhD and then go into research with lecturing on the side, or, I want to try and get into medicine if I can or dentistry even. Just see where I can end up basically.
this is where
...I found where I fit in
Career-wise, I’m either hoping to do a PhD and then go into research and lecturing on the side, or, I’d want to try and get into medicine if I can or dentistry even. Just see where I can end up basically. But, yeah I think I’ll probably take a year out after my masters though, just have a bit of a break, because it has been a bit full on.
I think I’ve fit in a lot more because I used to be one of the 'under the radar' kind of people, that kind of scooted by. Now, me and my mates, we're fairly nerdy, we just don't take each other too seriously. I can be myself, just be silly and have a good laugh.