BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
A warm welcome
"I missed the University Open Day. However, I got in touch with the Recruitment Team and they arranged to take me on my own personal open day, touring the campus and meeting with lecturers and current students. I came from a small college so I really appreciated the friendly atmosphere and sense of community on campus.
The fact that I was able to have my own tour with my family is a perfect reflection of that sense of community. At the end of that day I knew Bradford was where I wanted to be."
Innovative course and facilities
"Bradford is one of the only universities in the country with student-led musculoskeletal and neurological physiotherapy clinics on campus. These provide amazing hands-on experience and really help us get ready for placements. They're also a great opportunity to get to know the fantastic facilities whilst studying Physiotherapy.
"We are able to access a simulated hospital environment which is also used by the student nurses and midwives at the University. There is a 'dummy' that we can interact with and our lecturer is able to voice this virtual patient, which makes the whole experience really immersive and powerful.
"The anatomage table is another really amazing tool that is housed in the clinical sciences building. It's like a giant iPad that allows us to explore the different systems of the body such as the muscles, skeleton and circulatory system."
The main physiotherapy studio has a wide range of machines and equipment and it really helps us to be imaginative and innovative with the treatment plans that we devise. Being creative in this way is something that the tutors really focus on throughout the course. It gives us the opportunity to avoid handing out standard sheets of exercises and instead find treatments that will really engage the patients.
Professional experience
"The placements have been amazing. I feel very lucky to have had the chance to explore all the core dimensions of physiotherapy, and you're not limited to placements in the local area. I've had friends doing placements right across Yorkshire. I've even done a placement on the Isle of Man. The University took the time to find out what I wanted to do and get from each of my placements, and then ensured I was in the right setting. They will never put you into a placement that you aren't comfortable with.
"You're not forgotten about on placement either. Lecturers keep in touch and are available to answer any questions and offer support. I even had a friend who emailed her lecturer in the early hours of the morning and received a response straight back. I'm not sure that's standard but it's great to know that there is support there when you need it. Chats with my tutor were a huge confidence boost when I was feeling unsure."

I'm a rower and was a bit disappointed when I arrived to find that there wasn't a rowing club at Bradford. It didn't matter though as I soon found myself looking for recruits having been encouraged to set one up myself!
Getting involved
"I'm also a dancer and dance teacher, so I was really excited to join the Dance Society. At first the range of styles in the society was pretty limited but I joined the exec and together we broadened out the genres and also encouraged a wider range of age groups and abilities to join. We were soon doing competitions, events at the University and also some charity events.
"I really appreciated mixing with students from other year groups during Physiotherapy Society study days. I assumed that it would mainly be second and third year students supporting freshers but in my final year I found it really useful to chat through some of the fundamentals that I'd become a bit rusty on with some of the first year students. It was also a great source of information and advice ahead of our professional placements."
This is where
...I want to be
"Living on campus for two years was a great experience. The wardens and security were fantastic and I soon felt like I knew lots of people. Whenever I walked across the campus I was sure to bump into someone I knew and stop for a chat. In my first year in accommodation it was great to be surrounded by other freshers. Equally, I appreciated being located with fellow second and third years the following year.
"I got regular use out of the onsite facilities like the games room and laundry and enjoyed the events that the accommodation team put on. They were also really responsive on the odd occasion when neighbours were being a bit too noisy! A quick word from the warden would soon calm things back down.
"I got a job in the on campus bar which was a great way to meet people. Exploring the wider district was fun as well and I enjoyed trips to places like Saltaire, Skipton and Haworth.
"After a really successful placement I’ve managed to get a job with that team at Bradford Royal Infirmary. In the future I’d like to look at specialising in respiratory physiotherapy but for now I’m settling in to life in nearby Steeton and looking forward to continuing my career here in Bradford."