- Came back into education through the Foundation Year in Social Sciences and Management
- Is a Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Leader
- Had the opportunity to present at national conferences for Peer Assisted Learning

Why did you decide to study at the University of Bradford?
I chose Bradford for a number of reasons. I live in Bradford and because I'm a parent to three children, studying close to home was important for me.
I was offered a place on the Foundation course which was a good taster of what university life would be like. It's a fantastic entry route because successful completion guaranteed me a place on the BSc (Hons) Psychology course.
What has been the best aspect of studying here and why?
I don’t know if I could pick just one!
The experiences I’ve gained has been the most valuable to me. Being involved with the Peer Assisted Learning scheme has given me so many opportunities to develop professionally and personally.
I've also been incredibly well supported during my time here, the staff have been flexible and understanding of my home life during difficult times.
The whole university experience has really opened my eyes and shown me anything is possible. It has given me the courage to do things I never imagined.
Tell us about your role as a Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Leader
My role involves running a small group for first-year Psychology students to facilitate their learning. They pick the topic and I create activities based on that particular topic. It's a great way to help students improve their grades and develop interpersonal skills - something that's important to future employers.
Why did you decide to become a PAL Leader?
I attended PAL sessions as a first-year student and I found it really helpful. I didn't know anybody and I felt quite isolated when I started university. Being in the PAL group helped me to get to know people - I felt that I had somebody there to support me. I wanted to give that back to other students.
What's the best thing about being a PAL Leader?
Helping other students and seeing them succeed. The PAL scheme has completely transformed my university experience. The opportunities it's opened up have transformed me as a person.
I attended the PAL Leader conference in Bournemouth this year, where I got to meet other PAL Leaders from universities across the country. I was also selected to present at the SEDA conference in Manchester, which I would never have been able to do without the scheme.
They are experiences I will never forget. They have allowed me to push my boundaries and develop my skills, which will set me above other graduates in the future.