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‘Virtual Open Day’ at University of Bradford commands global attention


Courses in Business, AI, film, forensics and more - book a course that inspires you today

University of Bradford’s first ‘virtual’ open day has already attracted hundreds of bookings from students locally and around the world - with plenty of spaces left for new enquiries.

There are bookings from 132 countries – the closest being Ireland, and the furthest being 9,000 miles away in Fiji.

The Open Day on Saturday June 20 is being held online due to social distancing restrictions imposed as a result of coronavirus. This will be the university’s first ‘virtual’ open day but not it’s first ‘virtual’ event altogether - it has already hosted two other highly successful online occasions: an applicant experience day in April and careers fair in May.

The June 20 Open Day will consist of over 60 live subject and support service talks, taking in all the usual areas covered at a physical open day. As of last week, over 800 prospective students had booked places to discuss undergraduate and postgraduate courses, with new bookings being made every day.

Prof Zahir Irani, Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic, Innovation & Quality) said: “As this year’s Open Day is virtual, it means potential applicants - both undergraduates and postgraduates - can attend from anywhere in the world. This will be the University’s first virtual open day and it will follow a similar format to the successful applicant experience days held in April. As well as live talks, there is also the opportunity throughout the day for visitors to chat in real time to our academic and support service teams.”

The Open Day will begin at 10am with a brief welcome talk, after which various slots will open up for different courses and subjects, including Film & TV, Animation & Games, Biomedical/Chemical/Civil/Mechanical Engineering, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Business & Management, Midwifery, Nursing, Paramedic Science, Physiotherapy, Marketing, Law, Archaeology & Forensics, Computer Science, Sociology and Criminology, Accounting  & Finance, Economics, Human Resource Management and many more.

The University’s Distance Learning MBA is ranked the best value for money in the world, 4th in the world for career progress, and 10th in the world overall (Financial Times Online MBA Ranking 2019). The University is in the top 10 in the UK for Chemical Engineering (Guardian University League Tables 2020) and also for Forensic Science, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, and Physiotherapy (Complete University Guide 2021). It boasts a Triple Accredited Business School, has its own mock court room unveiled by Lady Hale last year and is The Times and Sunday Times University of the Year for Social Inclusion for 2020.