Staff File Collection and scanning service for staff

The Staff File Collection consist of both print and digitised files which are core recommended readings. The files are typically journal articles, book chapters, lecture notes or other core material needed by course students, which are in high demand. Members of Academic Staff can request material to be included in these collections. Before submitting requests it would be advisable to read the information leaflet about the Staff File Collection which gives more information about the process and the permissions/restrictions of the CLA Licence agreement.

The scanning service is operated by Learner Support Services with delivery being through the Virtual Learning Environment (Canvas). Members of staff who wish to use the service should complete the online request form. For information about the scanning service please contact the scheme’s administrator, Amjad Husain (extension 3380 or

Because of strict conditions laid down by the CLA, digital copies required for the purpose of teaching may not be made in any other way. Any copies that are discovered to have been produced outside this arrangement will be regarded as infringing copies and may lead to disciplinary action.