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University of Bradford School of Management first in England to receive joint accreditation from AMBA & BGA


University of Bradford School of Management headquarters

Commitment to social inclusivity and mobility ‘a unique selling point’ in ‘milestone’ 50th year

The University of Bradford School of Management has received joint accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Business Graduates Association (BGA), two of the world’s leading authorities on business education.

It is the first business school in England to achieve this.

As part of the joint AMBABGA accreditation, a panel of assessors composed of senior business school leaders from across the globe, evaluated the School. The panel commended the School’s commitment to social inclusivity and mobility. This was seen by the panel to be a unique selling point.

The panel also mentioned the informative and distinctive collection of 'vignettes' (stories, testimonials, projects and initiatives around responsible management) which outline the School’s commitment to the BGA charter, UN PRME (United Nation’s Principles for Responsible Management Education), and responsible management in general.

The School and programme leadership teams were said to be very committed to the academic and pastoral wellbeing of students.

Prof Sankar Sivarajah, Head of School of Management, said: “We are proud to achieve joint accreditation of AMBA & BGA; this highlights the importance of our overall impact and value creation for students, employers, and communities, with a focus on responsible management.

“We very much value the partnership that we hold with AMBA, which is now in its 50th year and the accolade of BGA demonstrates our passion for delivering practical business education with a proven commitment to social inclusivity and mobility.

“This achievement reaffirms our School’s mission and vision, where we thrive in empowering and providing inclusive opportunities which enable people to make a difference to our community.”

AMBA & BGA’s rigorous assessment criteria ensure that only the highest-calibre schools achieve accreditation.

Upon receiving AMBA accreditation, all current and recent graduates of the School’s MBA portfolio are invited to join AMBA’s global membership network of approximately 55,000 students and alumni in more than 150 countries.

Meanwhile, all undergraduates and alumni from any of the Business School’s programmes are invited to join BGA’s individual membership network. Through both these organisations, students and graduates can strengthen a community that acts as a force for good in management thought and practice, through exclusive events and business content.

AMBA & BGA accreditation is international in scope and reach, and the organisation works with senior academics at top educational institutions around the world, to update accreditation criteria continuously and maintain one unique, in-depth and detailed approach.

AMBA & BGA believes accredited Schools should be of the highest standard and reflect changing trends and innovation in post-graduate management education. As such, the accreditation process reflects this commitment to fostering innovation and challenges Business Schools to perform at the highest level continuously.

Andrew Main Wilson, Chief Executive of AMBA & BGA, said: “I would like to congratulate the University of Bradford School of Management on this momentous occasion. Not only has the School achieved re-accreditation from AMBA, showcasing itself within the top two per cent of Business Schools globally, it has also been accredited by BGA. The School has become the first School in England to have achieved joint accreditation.

“The University of Bradford School of Management clearly includes responsible management at the very heart of all its functions and I am delighted to have extended our institution’s close relationship to include BGA.”

MBA Director Natalie Wilmot said: “We are delighted to receive re-accreditation from AMBA with our MBA programme, and it is particularly significant for us to achieve this in 2020, in which we are celebrating the milestone achievement of 50 years of partnership with AMBA.

“Being recognised as an AMBA accredited School is an important hallmark of quality in the MBA market and assures our students and potential applicants of the high standards of education they can expect to receive from our MBA. It not only recognises the contemporary and applied nature of our academic curriculum, but also the extensive support offered in the areas of pastoral support, general academic skills, and of particular importance to MBA students, our careers service.”

University of Bradford School of Management has a globally recognised Triple Crown Accreditation from the Association of MBAs, EQUIS (European Foundation for Management Development accreditation) and AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Out of about 14,000 business schools globally, it is one of only 90 to have that status. It is committed to inclusivity and equality, of working with local and international partners and developing engaging learning experiences and impactful research, while developing emerging business opportunities such as data analytics, artificial intelligence and the circular economy.