Bradford Optometry Class of 1989 - 26 Year Reunion
The Vision Care Institute of Johnson and Johnson played host on Tuesday 28 September to a 26-year reunion for former optometry students of the University of Bradford. Sixteen of the thirty students who graduated from Bradford in 1989 met for dinner followed by a one-day course on "Presbyopia".
Peter Charlesworth, who organised the event commented "It was very kind of Johnson & Johnson to host our event. We had a great time catching up and learning at the same time."
"It was great to catch up with old friends. Twenty-six years on and we're still going strong" said Philip Morgan
Sheetal Patel, Manager of the Vision Care Institute UK said "It was wonderful to get everybody together. We thought Presbyopia was an appropriate topic for a group of this age and they all seemed to have a great time. They've been a really interactive group and even played video messages from some of their classmates who were unable to make it."
Left to right: Alpana Sharma, Sarah Morgan, Philip Morgan, Amanda Griffiths, Lorraine Jones, Graham Phipps, Jane Laval, Andrew Garner, Cath Berry, Stuart Maxwell, Kay Weaver, Lisa Cartwright, Angela Phipps, Peter Charlesworth, John McCollam, Kalbir Mahal
Would you like to organise a reunion for your year or class? The Alumni Office could you help you plan your event. Contact us on or 01274 233086 to request a reunion toolkit.