University has made me change and flourish as a person. When I first came to uni I was so nervous, now I can walk in and get on with what I need to do. It kind of gives you a boost of confidence in a weird way.
Well-rounded learning
"My course is about looking at loads of different areas of the law. Last year we looked at contract law, and we looked at how the UK is structured in terms of the courts, the judges and how the law is actually made and stuff.
"This year we’ve gone in more depth and looked at criminal law and tort law, which looks at personal injury, negligence and things like that. We’ve looked at human rights, EU Law and the implications of Brexit and different perspectives of everything."

A humble city
"I feel like Bradford is such a humble city where it makes you want to achieve more for yourself in a really odd way.
"You've got so many different social classes, so many different cultural people. I've moved out of Bradford and I've never fit anywhere else and we've always ended up coming back because it's just home."
Here to help
"I volunteer at the Citizen's Advice Bureau. I'm training up to be an advisor at the moment, currently, I'll sit in with an advisor.
"We'll get all sorts of issues that people come in with. There could be debt problems, they could be going homeless, they could have no money. In theory, what we do is offer solutions. We'll educate people of their legal rights.
"The first couple of times I went in, my heart would break and then at the end of the day it's nice, you've helped fifty people that have come in today. You've had a bit of input, you've brought a bit of light into their day and helped them out of their dark days."

I took my CV to Careers Service and the man sat with me for a good 20 minutes and went through it all. He told me how I need to tweak certain things so that my cover letter and my CV were in sync. It’s a really basic skill that they’ve equipped me with that’s going to stay with me the rest of my life now.
this is where
...I became my own person
I think from a young age I’ve always been someone that’s very very quiet and I just kind of let people shove me about a bit. Then once I went into high school I flourished and I found my voice a bit and that kind of made me in a way where I just liked helping people.
Then I went into my sixth form and they recommended that I study Law. At first, I was like, ‘I don’t want to do it, I hate it’ and then in my first year I just fell in love with the subject, I just love it. I couldn't explain to you what it is but it’s just it’s so intriguing, it interests me.
I’m smart, but I’m smart at Law. I just think I couldn’t be any better at anything else than what I’m as good at with Law.