MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering
Abdalrahman did the Engineering Foundation Year, before going on to study Chemical Engineering MEng (Hons) here at Bradford. He has just completed his second year of the course.
This is his story…
This is where I want to be
“The University is close to my home and it impressed me.”
“I’ve lived in Bradford since I came to live in the UK with my parents in 2016. They don’t speak very good English, so I wanted to go to a university close by and Bradford really impressed me.
“My A level results weren’t great, and I thought about quitting education altogether, but one of the student ambassadors at Bradford called me during Clearing and told me there were options available. I attended an open day here on the same day, and once I’d met with the professors and seen the labs, I decided it was the university for me and applied to do the Engineering Foundation Year.”
This is what I want to do
“Chemical engineering is what I’m destined to do, but it wasn’t my first choice.”
“I was educated in Egypt and always planned to study dentistry. However, when I moved to the UK, my qualifications weren’t recognised here and so I couldn’t study it. I had to redo my GCSEs and A levels here, and once I’d completed them, I had to choose five options through UCAS. I chose four dentistry related courses and chemical engineering as my fifth, as I’d always liked chemistry and was interested in engineering.
“I then went to see several universities and after listening to a talk about chemical engineering by a really inspiring professor who talked about how chemical engineers can work across so many different industries and help to change the world, I decided it was what I wanted to do.”
Building strong foundations
“The Engineering Foundation Year set me up for the next step.”
“The Engineering Foundation Year was really good. I’d not done well in my A levels, but getting onto the Foundation Course made me determined to focus on my studies.
“The lecturers were all brilliant and always helped us when we needed it, plus there was a really nice group of people on the course and we all grew close.
“The way it’s taught, and the fact it’s taught in the University, also really sets you up for the next stage of studying.
“It was engineering specific, so we covered things like physics, maths, materials, and mechanics, and we got to do a lot of practical work, including physics experiments in the labs for two hours every week. It really does make you university ready.”

When I started the MEng Chemical Engineering course, I felt like I had an advantage over those students who’d come to university straight from college.
Ready for a future in chemical engineering
“The course changes how you think.”
“Doing the first two years of the MEng Chemical Engineering course has changed the way I think. It makes you more analytic, so you always think about both the smaller and bigger picture.”
“Reaction Engineering is a brilliant module.”
“The Reaction Engineering module has been my favourite so far, as it focuses on things like mass and energy balance. It’s really related to what you’ll do if you work in chemical engineering, so it will be useful in the future. The maths we used in the module was also really advanced, so it’s helped improve my skills in that area too.”
A well-rounded experience
“The facilities at Bradford are always available.”
“There’s a small cohort doing my course, so the facilities we need to use are always available. The computer labs, which have computers installed with all the data we need, are open 24/7, so you can study there whenever you need to. You can access other labs too to gain experience in other specialisms.”
“There’s a warm atmosphere at Bradford.”
“Bradford is a really diverse university, and we have people studying here from more than 120 nationalities. It makes people very accepting and creates a really warm environment where everyone is very friendly.”

I became a student ambassador, and I’d recommend becoming one to other students as it’s a great way to familiarise yourself with the University and make new friends. I also joined several societies, which is another brilliant way to meet new people.
Advice for others wanting to follow in my footsteps
“I want to be a chemical engineer.”
“I know I definitely want to go on to be a chemical engineer after completing the course, but I’m still undecided on which sector I want to work in. There are so many opportunities available, so I’ll decide on the sectors that interest me nearer the time of graduation. But, studying here will give me all the skills I need to go on to have a successful career in any area of the field I choose.”
“My advice to other students considering chemical engineering.”
“Chemical engineering isn’t an easy subject to study and you have to be committed to it to get the most out of your degree. Time management is key and if you want to do well, you need to manage your time effectively. But, at the same time, make sure you have a good work/life balance and don’t work too hard.”
Interested in a career in chemical engineering?
Find out more about our course, entry requirements, and how to apply.