What makes a Bradfordian?
Researcher wants to find out what makes you tick
Precisely what makes a Bradfordian? Is it tenacity and resilience? A love of the outdoors? Pride in your city? A healthy dose of cynicism? Or all (or none) of the above?
Researcher Julia Armstrong, who is working with the University of Bradford, would like to know. Her project was one of several pitched during this year’s UNIfy festival and her findings will be presented at the UNIfy festival in 2022.
Now she wants to hear from people from Bradford about what’s important to them. Contact Julia here or via email: whatisabradfordian@gmail.com.
Sense of pride
Julie, who worked on data collection during the last Census, said: “I moved to West Yorkshire from London and I think people who live here have interesting stories to tell. I’m interested in speaking to people of all ages and backgrounds.
“Ultimately, this will create a record of people and their views at a specific point in time, one that others will be able to look back on. It’s very much about looking at how the city is now.”
Inspiration for the project came during Julia’s work on Census 2021 as she spoke with people and communities in Bradford and she found people’s sense of identity is linked to the city, the changes they have seen in the city and their hopes for the future. She found a strong feeling of pride in being a Bradfordian in 2021 and in the part each person will play in the next stage of the growth of Bradford.
Following a presentation at the University’s UNIfy Festival she was delighted to be offered support to develop the idea into a community project. The project will start with Julia talking with Bradfordians to hear about their experience of the city, recording the conversations in places chosen by those taking part and capturing audio and images to add to the exploration of sense of place.
From here Julia will develop a resource of Bradfordian’s stories for collaboration and development by artists and partners interested in using the work to create a new picture of ‘What is a Bradfordian in 2021.’
How to get involved
If you would like to take part in What is a Bradfordian then you are very welcome to contact Julia here or via email: whatisabradfordian@gmail.com.
She is interested in hearing from people in all parts of the Bradford community, newly arrived, or 87-years-old born-and-bred, everyone has a view on the city in which they live. A city which is undergoing a change and turning point.
As a contributor you would agree to a conversation with Julia that is recorded and for a couple of photos to be taken. For the next stage of the project, the audio recording, photos and transcription of your conversation will be available for people to see and listen to. Your contributions may also form part of further work about Bradford created by artists and partners.
Julia will keep a note of your contact details so that she can keep you updated on the progress of the project and to invite you to see the outcome when it is ready. In line with GDPR, any personal information such as your name and email address will be kept securely.