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Can better cleaning help us beat superbugs?


Consultant microbiologist Dr Stephanie Dancer, who will deliver a webinar on the importance of cleaning

Cleaning tips from infection control expert

Cleaning might be a job few relish but the current global pandemic has made us all keenly aware of its necessity.

This week, as part of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) from November 18-24, you can see how your cleaning skills stack up, thanks to an online webinar from infection control expert and consultant microbiologist Dr Stephanie Dancer.

The event, on Thursday November 19, is being hosted by Bradford Cafe Scientifique.

Dr Dancer has edited the Journal of Hospital Infection for 20 years; her research interests include hospital cleaning, antimicrobial management, hospital-acquired infection and MRSA.

She will discuss how ways of ‘clever’ cleaning can reduce spread in the healthcare environment. The talk will explain the science behind hospital cleaning and why dirt removal is so important in the context of antimicrobial resistance.

The Zoom webinar, Smart cleaning: a weapon in the war against antibiotic resistant superbugs, will take place from 6.30pm to 8pm. Book here.

This event is in memory of Professor Kevin Kerr, Consultant Microbiologist, who held an Honorary Chair at the University of Bradford and was renowned in the UK for his work on AMR and infection control.