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University welcomes sponsor school's impressive 2017 GCSE results


The University of Bradford has welcomed the excellent GCSE results of University Academy Keighley (UAK), which the University sponsors.

UAK’s GCSE results show continued improvements in standards of achievement in Year 11 at the Keighley school. There have been impressive improvements in the headline measures in English and mathematics, with 48% of students achieving the new grades 4 - 9, compared to just 16% in 2015; 28% of students achieved the new ‘Good’ pass (5-9) in the same subjects.

Many students have made very good progress at the school with some notable impressive individual student performances.

Bernie Addison, UAK Principal, said: ‘This has been a very exciting year at UAK and we are delighted with the achievements of all our students. There have been many changes to GCSE courses and we are so proud of how our students have coped with these and worked hard to achieve really high grades. I would like to thank our hardworking staff team and our sponsors, the University of Bradford and Bradford Council, who have supported the improvements at UAK. There have been a lot of changes at UAK and we have been really fortunate to have had really good support from parents and families, who have worked with us to ensure that every single child experiences a high quality education at UAK. We have further improvements planned for 2017 -18 and we are looking forward to an ambitious and exciting year ahead.’

The 2017 results see continued improvement at UAK, which was recently recognised as one of the most improved schools in the region following a dip in its results in 2015. Since then, Ofsted have commended the school on taking effective steps to improve the attainment and achievement of all students with the results in 2017 indicating that changes at the school are having the desired impact upon the quality of education.

Joanne Marshall, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development at the University of Bradford, and chair of UAK’s Governing Body, said: “We are very proud of University Academy Keighley’s fantastic GCSE results. These results demonstrate the great improvements the academy has made and supports all the hard work that has been done in the last six months.

“I’d like to congratulate all the staff and pupils at the academy and hope these impressive results continue to improve.”