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University of Bradford recognised for teaching excellence


The University of Bradford has been recognised for the excellence of its teaching with the award of Silver under the Teaching Excellence Framework.

The award underlines the consistent high quality of teaching that enables Bradford students to achieve excellent outcomes in both employment and further study. The latest statistics demonstrate that 93% of undergraduates progress to employment or further studies within six months of graduation.

Students at Bradford benefit from engaging in learning that has strong links to the world of work. Initiatives include live work briefs for final-year projects, access to state-of-the-art life science and anatomical simulation facilities, work-based learning, access to the Bloomberg Market Trading Suite, and use of an outside broadcasting truck.

The University is also committed to developing and maintaining close links with employers to enhance the experience and employability of students. For example, the University was recently placed number one in the UK for undergraduate nursing and midwifery placement satisfaction.

Professor Brian Cantor, Vice-Chancellor, said: “As befits a world-leading technology university, our students are benefiting from, amongst other developments, new engineering laboratories, a motion capture suite, new Archaeological Sciences teaching spaces, and a Life Sciences Learning Centre. Our teaching has provided the platform for our alumni to achieve high office in governments around the world and to have a major impact on advanced healthcare and social, industrial and medical progress. This award is due recognition for our outstanding teaching.

“The outstanding success of the University’s approach to academic, personal and professional development and employability is exemplified by the exceptionally high number of students who achieve highly skilled employment and access to further study. This success is the culmination of approaches to learning and teaching that equip students with high levels of critical thinking, problem solving and the ability to work effectively in teams as well as independently. We provide students with transformative and stretching learning opportunities and experiences.”

The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) was introduced by the Government to build evidence about the performance of the UK’s world-class higher education sector, complementing the existing Research Excellence Framework with an analysis of teaching and learning outcomes.

The TEF awards were decided by an independent panel of experts including academics, students and employer representatives. Drawing on national data, and evidence submitted by each university or college, the TEF measures excellence in three areas: teaching quality, the learning environment and the educational and professional outcomes achieved by students.