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Accounting and Finance Student Prizes 2017


On Wednesday 29th November the Faculty of Management and Law held a small ceremony to award undergraduate Accounting and Finance students. The awards were based on student performance from last academic year.

The awards are sponsored by WYSCA (West Yorkshire Society of Chartered Accountants) and RSM an accountancy firm based in Leeds and Manchester. In attendance at the event there was Tim Parr from RSM and WYSCA, Amir Sharif Associate Dean, International, Head of Research Centre Accounting, Finance and Economics - Tamer Elshandidy, Rahim Memon (now 2nd year Accounting and Finance student). Nabeel Rathoer (now 3rd year student) and Helena Pinto Programme Leader of Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance Student Prizes 2017

The winner of the WYSCA Prize for Best 1st year Accounting and Finance student went to Rahim Memon and the winner of the RSM Prize for Best 2nd year Accounting and Finance student went to Nabeel Rathoer, which was particularly special as he also won the prize last year.

the programme leader for Accounting and Finance said: “these prizes recognise the hard work of the Accounting and Finance students and demonstrate how highly the industry and accounting professional bodies value our degree and our students.”