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50th Anniversary Alumni Celebration - Jordan


A special networking event was held for Bradford alumni and friends at the UK Ambassador's residence in Amman, Jordan, on Sunday 19th March.

Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Mr Edward Oakden CMG, welcomed several University officials, including Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Cantor, and more than 80 Bradford alumni to the event.

Ambassador Oakden touched on strong relationship between Jordan and the United Kingdom the important role education has to play in the future development of Jordan and the wider Middle East region. He also commented on the quality of the evening describing it as one of the biggest alumni events he had hosted in Jordan.

Professor Brian Cantor, delivered an inspirational talk reflecting on the significant milestone in the history and development of the University saying, "Our 50th anniversary provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our rich past, and look forward to an exciting future, as we continue to develop as one of the world's great technology universities."

The University’s Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Ismat Abu Shihab, a fellow Jordanian and graduate of Bradford, talked about his own experience and journey coming to study at Bradford more than 10 years ago. He encouraged his fellow graduates to remain actively involved as members of Team Bradford in Jordan.

Alumni in attendance represented a wide range of Bradford graduates from different programmes and cohorts spanning almost 50 years - from the early 1970s to as recent as 2016.

The evening began and ended with celebratory drinks and canapés amid plenty of networking and discussion and a group photo was taken on the landing in the foyer of the Ambassador’s residence. View more photos from the event.

The event followed a number of 50th anniversary alumni celebrations in 2016/17 and was the first of three such events as part of the University’s tour to the Middle East between 18 and 24 March.