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The Era of Big Data-IET Research Seminar Success


The IET Seminar held on 8th March is an annual event held jointly between the IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) and the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics.

This year the event was also sponsored by the digital Catapult Centre Yorkshire. The event attracted around 45 people (academics, businesses, public sector, students, etc.) with some delegates coming from Manchester and Hull specifically to attend this event.

The seminar focus was around living in the era of big data. It is now critical to extract meaningful information and knowledge from the large amount of increasingly available data, to gain insight and guide strategic planning. This is becoming paramount to ensure the success of business.

Professor Qahwaji kicked off the event by welcoming the attendees and talking about the Complexity and accessibility of big data. Dr Peng discussed the value of data, while Professor Neagu discussed open data concepts. The talks were fascinating and the discussions with the audience were stimulating.

We all look forward to the next meeting of this engaging group and future discussion.

Professor Rami Qahwaji FHEA CEng FIET, Professor of Visual Computing, Academic Director - Digital Catapult Centre Yorkshire, University of Bradford