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University of Bradford student nurse is a star of the future


Third-year University of Bradford student nurse Sam Wallace has been chosen as a Rising Star in his profession at a national awards ceremony.

The inaugural Nursing Times Rising Stars event took place in London and honoured 25 of the profession’s stars of the future for their outstanding contribution to nursing at the outset of their careers.

Winners were judged by a panel of senior figures in the profession on the impact they have had, how far they have challenged convention, commitment to career progression and leadership skills.

Sam has devoted much of his own time to developing and embedding a compassionate culture of care in nursing and has been involved in fundraising, supporting students, trust staff and vulnerable groups.

He developed a pilot programme for students and health and social care staff to link with their clinical commissioning group, learning how to influence patient and service user outcomes. While on placement Sam helped develop supporting information for future students, producing a printed handbook, and has been an ambassador for the University and student rep for two academic years.

Sam said: “It is absolutely amazing to win the award and a huge honour to be nominated in the first place. Being recognised by some of the most senior people in the NHS means such a lot and I’m really pleased that what I and my colleagues have been doing here has made such an impact.”