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Parents are stressing students out ahead of results day


Over thirty per cent of students say their parents are making them feel worse about results day, according to a new survey by the University of Bradford and The Student Room.

As results day looms, students are feeling the pressure from their parents more than they were from their teachers, who were making them feel less stressed.

The survey by University of Bradford in conjunction with The Student Room, the world’s largest online student community, asked students waiting for results to start University how they were feeling about results day 2015. Findings revealed that more than half of students are “very worried” that they aren’t going to get the results needed to get into their first choice university.

Rory Bourke, went to Bradford after going through Clearing and remembers the time well. He said: “The months and days leading up to results day were really stressful. I was panicking I wouldn’t get the results and to top it off, my parents were panicking too, which made me worse! Essentially, because neither me or my parents didn’t know where to turn to for help, it just made the whole process a lot more stressful than it needed to be.

“Loads of universities have available for what to do, and it’s obvious; in the run up to results day research options available; visit universities or give them a call and on the day be prepared to make a lot of phone calls!”

Only 30% of students claimed that they are prepared if when things don’t go to plan – the rest are “just hoping for the best” (24%) or realise they “still need to do more research” (35%).

“Our overriding message to university applicants is to plan ahead and be prepared for results day,” says Claire Pryke, Head of Admissions, UK and Eire Recruitment from the University of Bradford. “We’ve been working hard with teachers and students at schools and colleges for several months now to get this message across. We’ve also produced a short film which highlights the variety of options open to students and the importance of planning ahead, so that results day holds no fear, whatever happens.

“With just a few days left before results day there are still some key things which you can do to get organised, such as making a list of courses at alternative universities and getting in touch with them now.”

Added to the stressful lead up time to results day, 60% of students predict that results day will be the most stressful day of their life. When asked if they were clear on what other options they have if they don’t get into their first choice university, 70% said they were not clear and still needed help.

Jack Wallington, Community Director of The Student Room, said: “If you don't get the grades you're hoping for on results day, it will be disappointing, but don't panic. You have lots of options in front of you by entering clearing, taking a gap year and seeking the 24/7 advice on our website.

“I would also encourage parents to be particularly mindful at this time. We know parents are among the most influential people in students' lives and can unintentionally add to stress on such an important day. The advice is the same for parents as it is for students: research ahead of time and be prepared for all options to avoid panic."

Students can call 0300 456 1098 for advice and support

* The survey by The Student Room polled 460 UK students between 18 May and 15 June 2015.