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Get to know your new home


University of Bradford students have voted that the first thing to do when starting university is to get to know the place you will call home.

Over 80% of students asked said that familiarising yourself with the city that you would be living in over the next few years was the most important factor when studying outside of their hometown.

In the survey carried out by the University of Bradford, other students voted that learning how to budget finances and where the bargain shelves in the supermarkets are located were also high contenders.

Dominic Osborn, a third year Clinical Sciences student at the University of Bradford said: “Once you have experienced all there is to do during Fresher’s Week on campus, it is really important to make sure you leave the parameters of the campus and – it will be your home city for at least 3 years!

“Make sure to see the best places to eat shop and socialise, without spending too much money. Whilst familiarising yourself with the campus is important, the city is equally as useful – check out the transport links, areas of interest for when your parents or friends visit and nice restaurants or pubs for nights out.”

Students also said that they learnt how to make fancy dress outfits, cook a meal and make a brew. Learning to make your bed was the least popular thing to master with less than 10% of Bradford’s students claiming to have grasped the skill first.

Exploring a new place can be exciting and a good ice-breaker with housemates. Sampling new experiences that you’ve never done before can be a lot of fun and students saw the value of exploring these together.

Universities hold a wealth of activities during Fresher’s Week, Bradford’s which commences on 14 September this year, will host a range of events both on and off campus.

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