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Bradford Pathology to host Royal College of Pathologists Digital Pathology Conference: 24th Sept 2015


The aim of this conference is to understand where diagnostic digital pathology is in those places that have embraced it, and examine how this compares with where we are in the UK and what we may do to promote its adoption where applicable.

A plenary talk will present the wider digital healthcare context in which cellular pathology services will need to operate.

European and US experience of diagnostic digital pathology will be presented, as will on-going experience of UK based digital pathology including that in veterinary histopathology. An overview of logistical requirements of digital pathology implementation will be presented, including the need for interoperability for effective IT implementation. A panel discussion will conclude the meeting, with the aim of identifying the next steps towards implementation of diagnostic digital pathology in the UK.

Further information can be found on the Royal College of Pathologists website.