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Honorary Bradford Graduate Trevor Jarvis campaigns to make banks dementia friendly


Honorary Bradford Graduate Trevor Jarvis has been working with banks to make things easier for people with dementia to manage their finances.

Trevor had problems remembering pin numbers so fought hard to be able to have a signature card so he doesn’t have to use a pin number. He has campaigned for people with dementia to be given more flexibility by banks about how they access their money. Trevor campaigned for more understanding about the needs of people with dementia from bank staff and more prominence of the ability to have signature only cards for shop workers.

BBC News Article

Trevor Jarvis was made a Doctor of Education, receiving an honorary degree for his long-standing work to raise public awareness of dementia. He has provided a long-standing service to the University's Division of Dementia Studies, as well as serving as an ambasador to several leading mental health charities.

Trevor Jarvis was made an honorary University of Bradford Graduate 2013.