Professor Fun Hu
Information about Professor Fun Hu at the University of Bradford.
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Professor Fun Hu is Professor of Wireless Communications Engineering, Founder and Director of the Bradford-Renduchintala Centre for Space AI at the University of Bradford. She received a 1st Class BSc degree in Mathematical Sciences and a Ph.D. degree in Information Systems Engineering, both from the University of Bradford, UK. She has over 25 years research experience and contributed to more than 35 research projects funded by EU, ESA, UK funding councils and industries, being principle investigator to 20 of these projects. Through participation in these projects, she accumulates extensive experience in communication network and protocol architecture design, network control and management, network interoperability and integration, network optimisation, mobility management, radio resource management, cyber security, AI/ML techniques, software defined networking, network functions virtualisation, testbed design, integration and testing. She has published over 150 journal and conference papers and co-authored two books and several book chapters. . Prof. Hu is the recipient of the U.K. Yorkshire Forward Chair in Wireless Communications Engineering, a Senior Member IEEE and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Future plans EPSRC applications Horizon 2020 - PPP, Co-fund, Cleansky2 CPD Development Current, and significant recent, funded projects Recent projects British Council BLESS U ~£90K British Council SITARA ~£150K Innovate UK HARNet ~£766K Innovate UK SINCBAC ~ £590K EU/ESA SatNEx (I, II, III, IV) ~ £300K MBM3 Software Design and Development ~ £25K EU CASAGRAS 2 ~ £57K EU SANDRA ~ £900K Leverhulme Visiting Fellowship ~ £26K ESA Broadband to Trains ~ £15K Sensor Data Link (Filtronics) ~ £14K ESA Inmarsat BGAN ~ £215K EPSRC CTA - £300K