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Dr. Victoria Nalule

Dr. Victoria Nalule


Victoria is currently a lecturer in Law at the University of Bradford, UK. She is a lawyer and a renowned expert in Climate Change, Energy and Mining Law. She has extensive experience working on various projects in the different parts of the Globe. She is a holder of a PhD in International Energy Law and Policy (Dundee, UK). She has a growing international track record in the energy and mining sectors. Victoria has authored seven books in the energy and mining sectors with reputable publishers including two books with Routledge; one book with Bloomsbury Hart Publishers; four books with Springer Natures under Palgrave. She also has two upcoming books. She has authored over 50 journal articles, book chapters and policy briefs in the area. Victoria has an active YouTube Channel with over 180 videos and over 1,700 subscribers; and a podcast focused on energy and mining discussions. Victoria is a renown international Energy and Mining expert and a regular commentator on international media including China Global Television Network; the Dubai-based Asharq Business and Bloomberg. Victoria has been invited to advise governments and train policymakers in these areas. For instance, she was officially invited by the Government of Namibia to review their Energy Bill; she made a presentation to the policymakers in South Africa regarding their Petroleum Bill; she trained experts from the Nigeria National Oil Company. She has also led a team of energy experts in reviewing energy/mining laws and policies for countries such as Namibia, Ethiopia, Uganda; training experts from the OXFAM International to mention but a few. Victoria is enthusiastic about energy arbitration & dispute resolution. As such, she is an Arbitrator at the Energy Disputes Arbitration Center (EDAC), Turkey. She is a committee member at the International Law Association (ILA). Victoria is also the lead editor for a living reference book project by Palgrave focused on ‘International Arbitration in the African Energy and Mining Sectors’. She is also a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in London. Victoria offers extensive experience in Climate Change, the Energy and Mining sectors having worked with various institutions; regional and international organizations including assignments for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI); The Queen Mary University of London (EU Energy Project); The International Energy Charter Secretariat in Belgium; the Extractive Hub in Scotland; East African Community Secretariat in Tanzania; Southern African Development Community in Botswana to mention but a few. She also appeared as an expert witness before the Commission of Land Matters in Uganda. Victoria has also offered her expertise to the African Commission on Business and Human Rights, where she participated as an expert member to review the Commission’s work on Climate Change and Extractives. Victoria is involved in non-profit activities focused on enhancing the development of the energy and mining sectors. Consequently, she is the founder and voluntarily manages the African Energy and Minerals Management Initiative (AEMI)-an NGO focused on reaching out to artisanal and small-scale miners. She has mentored several young people who are interested in climate change, energy and mining.


1. Natural Resources Law

2. Energy Law

3. Energy Transitions

4. Climate Change


6. Mining Law and policy

7. International Arbitration in Energy and Mining

8. Land Law and Extractives


1. Energy Law
2. Climate Change Law
3. Mining Law
4. Energy Transitions
5. Sustainability
6. Petroleum Law and Policy