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Udy Archibong

Udy Archibong


Uduak Archibong PhD MBE is the Pro Vice-Chancellor [Equality, Diversity and Inclusion], directs the Centre for Inclusion and Diversity and provides strategic oversight for equality, diversity and inclusion [EDI] across the institution. She is a Fellow of the West African College of Nursing and a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing. She was listed in the New Year Honours list 2015 and was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire for her contributions to higher education and equality.

Recognised as a foremost authority with a sustained, distinguished presence in the field of diversity management, she is currently leading in setting agenda to drive research, learning and knowledge exchange activities internationally and has published extensively on inclusion and diversity.  Informed by over 30 years experience of working in the health and higher education sectors, her academic and professional work has major impacts locally, nationally and globally. Key among these impacts is that the body of her research work has provided the evidence base for, and a robust understanding of, the development and application of cultural solutions and diversity interventions in public, private and third sector organisations. 

She is at the forefront of transforming organisational culture for sustainable diversity and inclusion approaches. Her research has provided a unique international definition of positive action and application for representational and participative diversity. She led to completion a major multi-million European Commission funded gender equality research project, GENOVATE, across 7 European Universities and led the EDI elements of a multi-million European Horizon 2020 project, RRING, in collaboration with 20 international partners.  Her research projects - Disrupting the disproportional disciplinary proceedings in the UK NHS and Cracking the concrete ceiling for the advancement of UK BME Academic staff have made a major contribution to shaping the agenda on race equality and informed global debates on systemic racism and other forms of structural inequality. She is currently leading a portfolio of research on 
residential segregation, school segregation and factors in hate crime reporting in the city of Bradford as part of the Bradford for Everyone Programme.


Key Projects (January - April 2012) Career Progression of Equality and Diversity Professionals: A knowledge Review. National Leadership Council [Leadership for Equality]. (£19500) (2012) Taxi Driver Diabetes Awareness project. NHS Wakefield District. (£12000) (January - October 2012) Evaluation of the Diabetes Early Diabetes Project. NHS Wakefield District. (£6000) (February 2009 - March 2010) Assessment of the diversity competencies of YHSHA leadership programmes. Yorkshire and Humber Strategic Health Authority (YHSHA). (£26800) (February - August 2009) with Ashraf F. Corrective Action to Redress the Ethnic Imbalance in Senior Management: Experiences of BME Leaders/Managers in the NHS. University of Bradford SOHS small grant scheme (£13500) (April 2008 - March 2010) with Darr A. The involvement of black and minority ethnic staff in disciplinary proceedings. NHS Employers and Institute for Innovation and Improvement). (£100000) (December 2007 - April 2009) in collaboration with Dr Darr, Professor Johnson, Professor Baxter and Professor Atkin. A study on Positive action measures in the European Union, Canada, United States and South Africa. European Commission. (Euros 400000) (August 2007 - October 2008) in collaboration with Dr Giga, Professor Johnson and Dr Atkin. Evaluation of the Shared Leadership Scheme (BME). Health Foundation (£50000) (March 2007 - date) Trends in the quality of nurse education in West African sub-region. West African College of Nursing. (Ongoing) in collaboration with Dr Ana J et al, BMJ WA. Evaluation of health research capacity building in West Africa. BMJ WA and different State Governments of Nigeria. (June 2006 - March 2007) Newell R, Thomas P. Community Health Facilitators Project. UoB Strategic Fund. (£15000) (June 2006 - March 2008) in collaboration with Dr Giga, Dr Watson-Druée, Gatecliffe & Cassidy. Breaking Through Programme – Learning locations, Development Modules, Coaching (£35000) & Personal Coaching (£7500). Department of Health – Institute of Improvement and Innovation. (Feb 2006 - August 2006) Archibong U, Giga S, Walker G, Elliott J. Evaluation of ‘Getting Results’ and the Capacity Development Needs of Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations. Commission for Racial Equality. (£34800) (April 2005 - September 2006) Identifying the critical success factors in the implementation and evaluation of Benchmarking in the NHS private and public sectors. Department of Health. (£35000) (January - April 2006) with Lasebikan M. Evaluation of Positively Diverse (PD) programme. NHS Employers. (£7000) (May 2005 - July 2006) with Giga S. Effects of Racism on BME nurses and the early onset of retirement. CPHVA. (£11950) (January 2005 - January 2006) Cultural understanding in Leadership and Management. Leadership Foundation of Higher Education. (£39000) (September 2004 - August 2006) with Dr Darr, Dr Atkin and Professor Johnson. Recruitment of South Asian people into nursing schools. Department of Health. (£227500) (September 2003 - August 2006) with Professor Carol Baxter, Professor Mark Johnson, University of Middlesex + Department of Health. Increasing the awareness, effectiveness and application of Positive Action (PA) initiatives in Higher and Further Education and Health Sectors. Matched funded by European Union ESF programme on Researching Equal Opportunities in the Labour Market. (£590000) (September 2002 - August 2004) Archibong U, Newell R, Hinds G. Problematic Drug Use by young people. National Lottery Community Fund. (£118000) (June 2002 - August 2004) with Bradford Teaching Hospitals Trust, Bradford Primary Care Trusts, Bradford District Care Trust and Airedale NHS Trust. Positive images project. West Yorkshire Workforce Training and Development Confederation (£70000) (March 2001 - February 2003) with Dr Okereke E. Health Needs Assessment of African and African Caribbean people. Bradford Health Authority.(£46000) Teaching Achievements (2007 - 2010) Scholarship for MSc Diversity Management Course. Fair Cities Bradford. (£10000)