pH Dependence of Acrylate-Derivative Polyelectrolyte Properties
Thomas Swift (2019) Acrylate Polymers for Advanced Applications. IntechOpen.
Dr Swift's research focuses on functional polymer materials; primarily stimuli responsive macromolecules which respond to their surroundings. These have application in various biotechnologies (both disease sensing and controlled delivery of treatments), in formulation science and broader engineering applications. He has an interest in developing new characterisation techniques to better understand these complex material systems. He received a degree as a master of Chemistry (MChem Industry) from the University of York, having spent his fourth year at an industrial placement at AkzoNobel’s Decorative Paints division researching novel film functionality where he remained for a brief period developing novel paint formulations. He later began a PhD at the University of Sheffield where he specialised in stimuli responsive polymer synthesis and analysis, in a range of fields and applications including; fluorescence tagging, material characterisation, solution behavior of smart polymers and an understanding of water treatment processes. Practical experience with free radical, RAFT and ATRP methods of synthesising both linear polymers, branched polymers and hydrogels, extensive use of GPC techniques and time resolved fluorescence spectrometers.
He took up his post as Lecturer at the University of Bradford September 2016, originally as Lecturer in Polymer Characterisation before receiving a promotion to Lecturer in Polymer Chemistry in 2019. He was the Programme Lead for the BSc Chemistry Apprenticeship until January 2023, a level 6 training program for the Laboratory Scientist standard. He is also a co-investigator of the Project CAYMAN and Project SIBLING industrial collaborations - funding designed to encourage access to academic expertise across the north of England.
I study functional polymer materials - linking molecular interactions of long chain molecules to applied uses in healthcare or engineering. My training during my PhD provided me synthetic expertise in self condensing vinyl polymerisation, controlled polymerisation (RAFT, ATRP, Cationic ring opening polymerisation). Doctor Swift is particularly interested in controlling the size and architecture of functional polymer materials and this requires advanced techniques to control the rates and direction of polymerisation reactions. I am particularly interested in polymers as stimuli responsive materials, and so do research into the complex physics that drive their solution or solid state behaviour. One recent research interest has been the discovery that the pH responsive solution behaviour of poly(acrylic acid) is driven by pH. Polymers interact with a range of other materials and Dr Swift is interested in the way polymers interact with each other or other components in solution.
My focus is Research led teaching. I train students to gain new abilities, skills and insight to develop themselves as excellent researchers. From 2017 to 2023 I was the programme leader for our BSc Chemistry Apprenticeship programme (a part time programme delivering education to Laboratory Scientist Level 6 Apprenticeship students). I sit on the national Level 6 and Level 7 Laboratory and Research Scientist Apprenticeship trailblazer committees, discussing the needs of scientists in industry with professional bodies, representatives from industry and civil servants to ensure that we are teaching science students to meet the needs of future industry. At Bradford I am the module leader for the BSc Chemistry practical laboratory modules - meaning I have oversight of all practical taught laboratory classes throughout the programme. I also teach taught content in Materials Characterisation and Imaging, and oversee final research dissertation for our Materials Chemistry and Analytical Science MSc students.
Thomas Swift (2019) Acrylate Polymers for Advanced Applications. IntechOpen.
Thomas Swift;Richard Hoskins;Maria Kalinichenko;Maria Katsikogianni,;Marc Daigneault;Stephen Rimmer (2024) Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
Bryn D. Monnery;Valentin Victor Jerca;Richard Hoogenboom;Thomas Swift (2024) Polymer Chemistry. 15
Rachel Taylor;David Wilkinson;Thomas Swift;Kamyar Afarinkia (2024) Rsc Medicinal Chemistry. 15
Víctor Vázquez-Villar;Chandrima Das;Tom Swift;Jacobo Elies;Juan Tolosa;Joaquín C. García-Martínez;Amalia Ruiz (2024) Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 670
Owen Tooley;William Pointer;Rowan Radmall,;Mia Hall;Thomas Swift,;James Town,;Cansu Aydogan,;Tanja Junkers,;Paul Wilson,;Daniel Lester;David Haddleton (2024) ACS Polymers Au.
Philip Drake;Ali Algaddafi;Thomas. Swift;Raed. A. Abd-Alhameed (2024) BioMedInformatics. 4
Abdullahi Magaji Dauda,Thomas Swift, Richard Telford, Hend A. A. Abd El-waha, Chhanda Charan Danta, Klaus Pors and Amalia Ruiz (2024) RSC Pharmaceutics.
Owen Tooley;William Pointer;Rowan Radmall;Mia Hall;Valentin Beyer;Kieran Stakem;Thomas Swift;James Town;Tanja Junkers;Paul Wilson;Daniel Lester;David Haddleton (2024) Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 45
Thomas Swift (2023) British Journal of Dermatology.
D M Lewis, P J Broadbent, M L A Rigout, C M Carr*, C C Seaton, and T Swift (2023) Coloration Technology.
Thomas Swift (2023) Polymer. 271
Stephen Rimmer, Paul Spencer, Davide Nocita, John Sweeney, Marcus Harrison and Thomas Swift (2023) Gels (Basel, Switzerland). 9
Jun Jie Ong, Yee Lam Chow, Simon Gaisford, Michael T Cook, Thomas Swift, Richard Telford, Stephen Rimmer, Yujia Qin, Yang Mai, Alvaro Goyanes, Abdul W Basit (2023) International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 643
Edward Dyson, Stephen Sikkink, Davide Nocita, Peter Twigg, Gill Westgate, and Thomas Swift* (2023) ACS Applied Biomaterials.
Fateh Eltaboni, Sehaj Singh, Linda Swanson, Thomas Swift, Abdulraheem SA Almaki (2022) RSC Soft Matter. 18
Thomas Swift, Sheila MacNeil, Stephen Rimmer, David Pownall, C. W. Ian Douglas, Prashant Garg, Nagaveni Shivshetty, Abigail Pinnock (2022) Experimental Eye Research. 214
Thomas Swift, Abigail Pinnock, Nagaveni Shivshetty, David Pownall, Sheila MacNeil, Ian Douglas, Prashant Garg, Stephen Rimmer (2022) MethodsX. unknown
M. Asim Sajid Al-Hanafi, Mhd Bashir Alsirawan, Colin C. Seaton, Thomas Swift, Sudhir Pagire, Venu R. Vangala, Adrian L. Kelly, and Anant Paradkar (2022) CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN (ONLINE). 22
Thomas Swift, Emily Caseley, Abbigail Pinnock, Joanna Shepherd, Nagaveni Shivshetty, Prashant Garg, C. W. Ian Douglas, Sheila MacNeil and Stephen Rimmer (2021) Royal Society Open Science. 8
Thomas Swift, Richard Hoskins, John Hicks, Edward Dyson, Marc Daignault, Dorothy Buckle, C. W. Ian Douglas, Sheila MacNeil, and Stephen Rimmer (2021) ACS Applied Biomaterials. 4, 4319-4327.
J. Pattem, T. Swift, S. Rimmer, T. Holmes, S. MacNeil & J. Shepherd (2021) Scientific Reports. 11
Fateh El-Taboni, Emily Caseley, Maria Katsikogianni, Linda Swanson, Thomas Swift,* 4andMariaE.Romero-Gonzaĺez* (2020) Langmuir. 36
Heli A. Brahmbhatt, Alexander Surtees, Cavan Tierney, Oluwabukunmi A. Ige, Elena V. Piletska, Thomas Swift and Nicholas W. Turner (2020) Polymer Chemistry. 11, 5778-5789.
Swift T.;Westgate G.;Van Onselen J.;Lee S. (2020) British Journal of Nursing. 29, S6-S15.
Ronald Merck Thomas Swift, Ryan Rees, Joachim F. R. Van Guyse, Ella Schoolaert, Karen De Clerck, Heidi Ottevaere, Hugo Thienpont, Valentin Victor Jerca and Richard Hoogenboom (2020) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 8
Swift, Thomas; Katsikogianni, Maria G.; Hoskins, Richard; Teratarantorn, P.; Douglas, I.; MacNeil, S.; Rimmer, Stephen (2019) Acta Biomaterialia. 87, 197-206.
Banerjee, S.L.; Swift, Thomas; Hoskins, Richard; Rimmer, Stephen; Singha, N.K. (2019) Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 7, 1475-1493.
Priscila Melo, Emma Tarrant, Thomas Swift, Anthony Townshend, Matthew German, Ana-Marina Ferreira, Piergiorgio Gentile, Kenneth Dalgarno (2019) Materials Science and Engineering C. 104
Melo P.;Ferreira A.;Waldron K.;Swift T.;Gentile P.;Magallanes M.;Marshall M.;Dalgarno K. (2019) Composites Science and Technology. 184
Shepherd, J.; Swift, Thomas; Chang, Chien-Yi; Boyne, J.R.; Rimmer, Stephen; Martin, William H.C. (2019) Chemical Communications. 55, 9765-9768.
Canning, S.L.; Ferner, J.M.F.; Mangham, N.M.; Wear, T.J.; Reynolds, S.W.; Morgan, J.; Fairclough, J.P.A.; King, S.M.; Swift, Thomas; Geoghegan, M.; Rimmer, Stephen (2018) Polymer Chemistry. 9, 5617-5629.
Banerjee, S.L.; Hoskins, Richard; Swift, Thomas; Rimmer, Stephen; Singha, N.K. (2018) Polymer Chemistry. 9, 1190-1205.
Swift, Thomas; Rehman, K.; Surtees, Alexander P.H.; Hoskins, Richard; Hickey, Stephen G. (2018) Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 39
Doroshenko, N.; Rimmer, Stephen; Hoskins, Richard; Garg, P.; Swift, Thomas; Spencer, H.L.M.; Lord, Rianne M.; Katsikogianni, Maria G.; Pownall, D.; MacNeil, S.; Douglas, C.W.I.; Shepherd, J. (2018) Biomaterials Science. 6, 2101-2109.
Pitto-Barry, Anaïs; Lupan, A.; Zegke, Markus; Swift, Thomas; Attia, A.A.A.; Lord, Rianne M.; Barry, Nicolas P.E. (2017) Dalton Transactions. 46
Mckenzie, A.; Hoskins, Richard; Swift, Thomas; Grant, Colin A.; Rimmer, Stephen (2017) ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES. 9, 7577-7590.
Shallcross, L.; Roche, K.; Wilcock, C.J.; Stanton, K.T.; Swift, Thomas; Rimmer, Stephen; Hatton, P.V.; Spain, S.G. (2017)
Swift, Thomas; Seaton, Colin C.; Rimmer, Stephen (2017) RSC Soft Matter. 13
Swift, Thomas; Hoskins, Richard; Telford, Richard; Plenderleith, R.A.; Pownall, David; Rimmer, Stephen (2017) Journal of Chromatography A. 1508, 16-23.
Teratanatorn, P.; Hoskins, Richard; Swift, Thomas; Douglas, C.W.I.; Shepherd, J.; Rimmer, Stephen (2017) Biomacromolecules. 18, 2887-2899.
Swift, Thomas; Paul, N.; Swanson, L.; Katsikogianni, Maria G.; Rimmer, Stephen (2017)
Swift, Thomas; Lapworth, J.; Swindells, K.; Swanson, L.; Rimmer, Stephen (2016) RSC Advances. 6, 71345-71350.
Swift, Thomas; Swanson, L.; Geoghegan, M.; Rimmer, Stephen (2016) RSC Soft Matter. 12
Swift, Thomas; Swanson, L.; Bretherick, A.; Rimmer, Stephen (2015) Environmental Science: Water Research And Technology. 1, 332-340.
Swift, Thomas; Swanson, L.; Rimmer, Stephen (2014) RSC Advances. 4
Plenderleith, R.A.; Swift, Thomas; Rimmer, Stephen (2014) RSC Advances. 4