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Shahid Rasul

Assistant Professor

School of Management
Faculty of Mgmt, Law & Social Sciences
Shahid Rasul


Shahid joined the University from the Department of Technical Education in Brunei, Darussalam, in 2003, where he was responsible for teaching in the field of entrepreneurship and developing business incubation for vocational students. His commercial experience includes more than 10 years of direct involvement in small and family business, from start-up to sell-out, and various retail and admin roles with organisations including BT and Sock Shop.

His academic experience spans twenty-five plus of experience in the UK and International Higher Education & Further Education sector. With a focus on teaching and developing business and entrepreneurship education using ‘blended’ learning approaches. Highly proficient in supervising projects and dissertations and coaching ‘executive’ students for their personal and professional development. Extensive experience of administration and marketing in the academic sector, from operational to strategic level, including Quality Assurance & Accreditation activities alongside designing, delivering, and managing modules and programs. External Examiner Posts previously in Glyndwr and Salford, currently in University of Edinburgh. Additional experience in family business, SMEs, and retail sector.  

Held senior administrative roles at the University including Director of Dubai MBA Program, Director of Placements & Internships and International Partnerships Manager.  Also actively involved in business support and mentoring in the community through delivering on the Government Funded Help to Grow Programme and to students through ThinkBusiness@Bradford and now the Accelerated Student Entrepreneurship Programme (ASEP).

Affiliations & Professionsal Qualifications with:

The Institute of Business Advisers (IBA).  Business Counsellor
Northern Leadership Academy (NLA) Trained SME Business Coach
European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Qualified Assessor.

Learner Support Hours

To arrange a PAT or a Project Supervision meeting please book via the Virtual Office.


Entrepreneurship Education Cultural factors impacting entrepreneurial motivation and intention 

Professional activities

  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Enterprise in Education. Young Enterprise Conference, Bradford
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Employability & Entrepreneurship. UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) funded Education Partnerships in Africa (EPA) Project. University of Mauritius,
  • Affiliated: Affiliation: The Institute of Business Advisers (IBA). Business Counsellor
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: UK-China Accelerated Student Entrepreneurship Programme: Establishing joint UK-China student enterprises to underpin economic growth and strengthen UK-China co-operation. Funded by British Council Prosperity-fund.
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Innovation in your Business. Ilkely Business Forum
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Entrepreneurship and enterprise skills. European Union (EU) funded Aid Oltenia Project, Romania,
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Enterprise, Employability and Entrepreneurship Skills. UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) funded Education Partnerships in Africa (EPA) Project. University of Mzumbe, Tanzania,
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Training for Entrepreneurship Educators in Higher Education. University of Bradford
  • Affiliated: Affiliation: European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Qualified Assessor
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Family Business & Succession Planning. Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Knowledge Network, Bradford
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Business Strategies for successfully exploiting research. Bradford University Graduate School,
  • Affiliated: Affiliation: Northern Leadership Academy (NLA) Trained SME Business Coach
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Track Chair for Enterprise Education at the International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, University of Sheffield.
  • Workshop Leader: Workshops conducted: Enterprise Education for School Teachers. University of Bradford,