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Dr. Stuart Dickens

Dr. Stuart Dickens


I am a cellular neuroscientist who specialises in the neural extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is a fascinating and diverse environment comprised of proteins and glycosaminoglycans. It has numerous functions and forms. Primarily I am interested a specialised form of the ECM called the perineuronal net (PNN). This condensed form of the ECM appears on neuronal membranes, enwrapping specific neuronal populations. It helps stablisise synapses and limited unwanted plasticity. Removing the PNN can awaken latent plasticity within the central nervous system which could be harnessed for circuit regeneration and enhanced cognition.

My previous work has focused on the PNN as a neuroprotective factor in Parkinson's disease. A key hallmark of Parkinson's disease is the appearance of brain pathology called Lewy bodies, the spread of which through the brain correlates with disease progression. However not all neurons develop the pathology, indicating there are factors dictating neuronal vulnerability or resistance. I have shown that the PNN may be one such factor protecting neurons in Parkinson's.