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Dr. Syka Iqbal

Information about Dr. Syka Iqbal at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Syka Iqbal


I currently hold the position of Assistant Professor in Psychology at the University of Bradford and I am a research fellow at the Rapid Research and Appraisal lab at UCL. Before joining the University of Bradford, my career included roles as a lecturer at both Birkbeck University and Manchester Metropolitan University. My research has been primarily focused on studying health behaviours, with a particular emphasis on ethnically diverse populations. My research has involved collaboration with the NHS to address health disparities and construct effective behavioural change models.My academic interests encompass a wide range of areas, including mental health, health inequalities, public and patient participation in research, and community psychology. As a qualitative researcher, I have developed expertise in rapid qualitative research methods and I collaborate with leading experts at UCL in developing and refining this innovative methodology.Please make an appointment.. Make a virtual appointment