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Dr. Sherena Huang

Dr. Sherena Huang


Dr Sherena Huang holds a PhD in Economics and Finance. Her academic credentials include LLM Research in FinTech Laws and Regulations, MBA, and BSc in Computer Science. Her professional credentials include being an Advance HE Fellow, Cloud Computing Educator, Futures Trading Practitioner and Advanced Python Programmer. Building on her experience as a computer engineer, international education, and entrepreneurial vigour, Dr Sherena Huang is establishing a reputation at the intersection of finance, innovation, financial crime and regulation. Dr Sherena Huang is formerly a researcher at the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

PhD in Economics and Finance
LLM Res in Financial Laws and Regulations
BSc in Computer Science


Financial Technology and associated risks; Mathematical Finance; Computational Finance. 


Finance and Financial Technology


  • International Banking - AFE7502-B
  • Fundamentals of Financial Technology, Blockchain and Value Creation - AFE7517-B

Professional activities

  • FHEA (1 January 2023)


  • Cryptocurrency and Crime

    Sherena Huang (2021) FinTech, Artificial Intelligence and the Law: Regulation and Crime Prevention. In Alison Lui and Nicholas Ryder editor(s) Routledge.