Prescribing and Dispensing
Jones S C (2013) Pharmacy Practice (Intergrated Foundations Of Pharmacy). Oxford University Press.
My underlying
philosophy around learning is never to stop asking ‘why’.
This has kept my curiosity going and my approach to teaching, learning,
assessment and research contemporary. I have my little one-liners such as
‘if you don’t ask, you don’t get’ and ‘I’m not psychic and don’t have a crystal ball’ Although
I must have said the latter so many times that some of my previous students
actually bought me one!
Sue was born in Hull and is proud of her
heritage. Studying at the University of Brighton she returned to Hull to
qualify and practice as a pharmacist. Her interest in educating others
was fuelled by the impact she could see she was having on patients who
returned, often with their friends and family to speak to her. Her next challenge was leaving Hull to
take up a Boots Teacher Practitioner (TP) post at King’s College London
(KCL). Law and ethics were the first lectures she had to give and having
sat in them when she was an undergraduate, her big test was to make them
interesting. By interspersing the dry theory with Sue’s experiences of
forged prescriptions, veterinary prescribing and daily supplies, students
seemed to enjoy them. Working very closely with Boots the Chemists’ Head Office
nationally and the London region locally, she came to realise the gaps in
educational practice of tutors in the workplace and decided to leave her TP
role to pursue an academic route and a PhD.
This research was part of an EU funded project looking at pharmacists and
dentists and the ability for them to be able to access continuing professional
development (CPD) in the workplace using technology. Her first podcast
was in 2002 – at that time they were called ‘webcasts’. Aligned with this
research was a stream of teaching and project work around professionalism in
undergraduate students. Post-PhD, she build upon this research by being
seconded to the King’s Learning Institute (KLI), came up with an idea and
jointly founded the Master of Arts in Clinical Pedagogy. With module
leadership in Intercultural Healthcare Education, Fundamentals of Pedagogy for
Healthcare Professionals and Pharmacy in an Educational Context, this work
cemented bringing an educational dimension to pharmacy. It also harked
back to developing workplace based tutors.
Working with a team through King’s Health Partners led to the instigation of
the ‘Statement of Teaching Proficiency’; aligned
with the Academy of Medical Educator model, accredited by the Royal
Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) put developing tutors back on the agenda.
She was also Programme Leader for a successful MSc/PG Diploma in Primary Care
and Community Pharmacy.
Moving to Bradford brought new challenges of enhancing student experiences
through Programme and Module Leadership together with being chair of the
Education, Innovation Research and Development (EIRD) research group. In
2017, the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) gave a rare complement to the
MPharm team:
'The outstanding team work demonstrated by the institutional leadership, senior
team, staff and students. It was clear that colleagues in this school work in
close partnership creating a strongly collegiate culture.' (1)
Later that year, Sue was team lead and awarded a prestigious ‘Collaborative
Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) from Advance HE.
a pharmacy curriculum through systematic team development with students &
staff’ (2)
She enjoys gory horror films – especially
vampires and zombies, walking her dogs, cacti and succulents, creativity and
always has an eye on the latest tech.
The University of Bradfords Education, Innovation Research and Development research groups vision is to put the University of Bradford at the centre of Innovative Pharmacy Education. At the core of this is improving the student experience. 'Student centred learning for patient-centred care'
Projects include:
Evaluation of the ‘Making Time’ project. A study developed to explore pharmacists working with carers and service users who have learning disabilities. The project offered one-to-one monthly meetings between these parties to help to support service users and their carers with their medicines and health education.
Development of Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity amongst Healthcare Professionals, academic staff and students to enhance patient-centred care.
Using the techniques of Motivational Interviewing (MI) to enhance student learning.
Developing a portfolio-based approach to encourage continuing professional development (CPD) in undergraduate pharmacy students.
Using a ‘communities of practice’ approach to coaching and mentoring community pharmacists in developing their CPD.
Developing evaluation methods for curriculum review.
Developing educational and practice supervisors (DEPS) in the pharmacy workplace.
Using peer-assessment as a tool to promote student learning and reduce the burden of summative assessment. My current research includes
Educational Evaluation of the MPharm programme using Team-Based Learning as a whole of curricula educational intervention.
Principal supervisor of a Doctoral fellowship student in the UoB’s Dementia Doctoral Training Centre which focuses on transitions in care setting and disease/life stages.
Co-supervisor of a Doctoral student investigating an invention to improve self-efficacy in diabetes care.
Philosophy for teaching and research could be described as 'student-centred learning for patient-centred care'. I am interested in how individual student potential can be maximised to best effect and having a Team-Based Learning whole of curriculum approach enhances and developed students.
The areas of teaching that I enjoy the most are concerned with challenging students pre-conceptions and seeing every questions with a black and white answer:
Developing and enhancing professionalism
Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
Clinical reasoning
Behaviour change
Pedagogical Approaches to Learning and Teaching
Social and Behavioural Pharmacy
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
That said, I enjoy applying these interests to practical problem-solving teaching on most subjects including:
Responding to Symptoms
Medicines Optimisation
Communication and Consultation Skills
Health Promotion and Public Health
Interprofessional Education
Jones S C (2013) Pharmacy Practice (Intergrated Foundations Of Pharmacy). Oxford University Press.
Jones S C and Futter B (2011) Facilitating Learning in Healthcare. Pharmaceutical Press.
Jones S C & Jubraj B (2010) Facilitating Learning in Healthcare. Pharmaceutical Press.
Jones S C, Timmins D, Wood D, Tan P L and Howells S (2012) Compass: The Journal of Learning and Teaching at The University of Greenwich. 5
Jones S C, Clark L, Greensmith S, Kenny N, Murray S & Rogers A (2010) Royal Pharmaceutical Society Conference. 18
Jones S C, Ohene-Djan L., Patel R. & Kingston E (2010) Proceedings of Excellence in Teaching Annual Conference; Learning Showcase. 1
Jones S C & Markless S (2010) Proceedings of Excellence in Teaching Annual Conference; Learning Showcase. 1
Jones S C & Kinchin I (2010) Proceedings of Excellence in Teaching Annual Conference; Learning Showcase. 1
Kandiko C. B., Kinchin I. M., Lomas L., Cabot L. B., & Jones S. C. (2011) 2
Bruno A, Jones S C & Jubraj B (2009) 25
Jones S C & Arnold N (2009) Spring
Arnold N & Jones S C (2008) Summer
Arnold N & Jones S C (2007) Spring
Whelan K.;Thomas J.;Cooper S.;Hilton R.;Jones S.;Newton T.;O'Neill B.;Gill E. (2005) Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 18, 461-466.
Miller D, & Jones S C (2004) International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 12
Hind M.;Norman I.;Cooper S.;Gill E.;Hilton R.;Judd P.;Jones S. (2003) Journal of Interprofessional Care. 17, 21-34.