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Rami Qahwaji

Professor of Visual Computing

School of CSAI&E
Faculty of Eng & Digital Technologies
Rami Qahwaji


Rami Qahwaji is a Professor of Visual Computing at the University of Bradford. He has been working with different industries and organisations in the fields of satellite/space imaging, remote sensing, digital health and medical  imaging, Biometrics, AI and data visualisation developing intelligent systems in collaboration with NASA, ESA, NHS, Government and different SMEs. Rami attracted millions of pounds in research funding from various UK and European funding agencies. He is the REF 2021 Unit of Assessment Coordinator for Computer Science and Informatics (B11) and he has a REF impact case study that was rated as 100% internationally excellent (3*) (see:
 Rami was a member of the University Senate (2019-2022) and also the University Council (2019-2022) and he is currently chairing the Computing Industry Advisory Board. He was the Academic Lead for the Healthcare Technology Unit at the Digital Health Enterprise Zone (DHEZ). The DHEZ programme is a £13M partnership led by the University of Bradford and backed by investment from BT, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council and the UK government. Rami was the Academic Director for the Digital Catapult Centre Yorkshire (2015-2018) responsible for bridging the gap between Government, industries and Academia in Yorkshire. Rami is originally trained as an Electrical Engineer and had MSc in Control and Computer Engineering and PhD in AI and Visual Computing. He is the Leader of the Space Weather Research at the University of Bradford Rami is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), Charted Engineer (CEng), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), IET technical assessor and sets on the IET’s Healthcare Sector Executive Committee.
Rami has over 140 refereed Journal and Conference publications and has been invited to deliver many keynote speeches at national and international conferences. He has supervised 35 completed PhD projects, over 130 MSc projects and is an external examiner for several UK and international universities. He is heavily involved in the organisation of international activities and public engagement events.


Research Groups: Visual Computing, Space AI, Space Weather

Research projects


Newly awarded in July 2022: ,” Raed Abd-Alhameed (PI), Rami Qahwaji, John Buckley and Maryann Hardy, £205K.




• H2020 project funded by European Commission Research and Innovation call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks), “”, Euro 3.3M, Bradford’s share (Eur 0.6M) Prof: Raed Abd-Alhameed. Bradford project Prof Rami Qahwaji, Dr James M Noras and Dr Stephen MR Jones.


• PI for 4-years NHS National Innovation Centre grant, entitled “”, Oct 2013 – Oct 2017, value £250K.


• WP leader for FP7 project “”, €2M among 10 partners. Oct 2012- Oct 2015, Bradford’s share €248K

Professional activities

  • IET Executive Healthcare Committee,
  • Member of the technical committee and/or reviewer for more than 30 international conferences and have chaired the Imaging/Vision or Signal Processing sessions in more than 7 international conferences.

  • Al-Mustansriya University - MSc
  • Al-Mustansriya University - BSc

  • Academic Director: Academic Director - Digital Catapult Centre Yorkshire
  • Invited Speaker: Invited talks at more than 20 international research events and institutions 
  • Research: New project funded by the NHS National Innovation Centre and Bradford University, "3D Corneal Modelling", Jan 2013-Jan2015.
  • Research: Uninterrupted EPSRC funding - FP7 project ""SOLID: First European Comprehensive SOLar Irradiance Data exploitation"", Total budget €2M distributed among 10 partners. Dec 2012- Dec 2015. Prof Qahwaji leading ""WP3: Multi-wavelength solar image processing for novel SSI proxies"" Bradford's Budget €248K.
  • Research: Uninterrupted EPSRC funding - Rami Qahwaji was also involved in 2 small EPSRC grants GR/S62758/01, value GBP 13.7K and GR/S84699/01, value GBP 13.7K. He also did consultancy work for Hines Engineering ltd - Bradford, which was funded by the innovation vouchers - Yorkshire Forward (GBP 3K).
  • Research: Uninterrupted EPSRC funding - R. Qahwaji, S. Ipson and H. Ugail, ""Image Processing, Machine Learning and Geometric Modelling for the 3D Representation of Solar Features"", EPSRC (EP/F022948/1), 3 years project, started 18/02/08, GBP 295,469.
  • Research: Uninterrupted EPSRC funding - R. Qahwaji, ""Image Processing & Machine Learning Techniques for Short-term Prediction of Solar Activity,"" EPSRC (GR/T17588/01), 3 years project (10/01/05 till 09/01/08), GBP 124,887.
  • Invited Researcher: Invited to research activities organised by EPSRC, CISM - Boston University (USA - 2006), LPCE at the Université d'Orléans (France -July 2008), the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON -Jan 2008), , NASA's workshop, "Forecasting the Operational All-Clear" (USA - April 2009), European COST Action ES0803 meeting in Rome (Italy - March 2009), etc.
  • Referee (Journal): Referee for international Journals: The Computer Journa; The Astrophysical Journal; Solar Physics; IET Image Processing; IEEE Trans Industrial Informatics; Pattern Recognition Letters; Neural Computing & Applications; Signal Processing; Advances in Space Research; IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation; IET Proc. Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Information Engineering, Pervasive computing; etc.
  • External Examiner and Reviewer: Acted as an external examiner and Reviewer for the following universities: University of Warwick (UK), University of Liverpool (UK), University of Glamorgan (UK), Applied Science University (Jordan), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KSA), University of Karachi (Pakistan) and others.
  • Referee (Grant Proposals): Refereed grant proposals for EPSRC, MRC, NERC, PPARC, Royal Society, British Council, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), KFUPM (KSA), etc
  • Key Note Speaker: Key Note Speech at the 3rd Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications (MIC-CCA2009), which is IEEE sponsored, October 2009, Jordan. Speech entitled "Applied Image Processing and Machine Learning: a Multidisciplinary Perspective,". More info is available at [2009]
  • Co-Chair: Conference Co-Chair of the Int. Conference on CYBERWORLDS 2009, UK and Int. Conference on Computer Science from Algorithms to Applications (CSAA), Egypt 
  • Invited Presenter: Invited to more than 22 international research meetings to talk about current research and developments in USA and Europe.
  • Conference Attendee: Cyberworlds 2011 (Canada), Cyberworlds 2010(Singapore), CGI2010 (Singapore), ITSim 2010 (Malaysia), Cyberworlds 2009 (UK), CITSA 2009 (USA), IEEE ICME 2009 (Mexico), MIC-CSC 08 (Jordan), IEEE SSD08 (Jordan), CITSA 08 (USA), IEEE ICSPC 07 (UAE), CITSA 07 (USA), DCCA 2007 (Jordan), ICME 2006 (Canada), VCIP-SPIE 05 (China), ASMTA 2004 (Germany), KES 2004 (New Zealand)
  • Chair: Chaired the Imaging/Vision or Signal Processing sessions in the following conferences: Int. Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications (MIC-CCA 2008), IEEE Int. Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (ICSPC 2007, IEEE Int. Conference on Telecomputing and Information Technology (ICTIT 2004).
  • Chair: Chaired the Imaging/Vision or Signal Processing sessions in more than 7 international conferences.
  • Referee (Journal): Referee for various Journals: The Computer Journal (BCS); The Astrophysical Journal; Solar Physics (Springer); IET Image Processing; IEEE Trans Industrial Informatics; Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier); Neural Computing & Applications (Springer); Signal Processing (Elsevier); Advances in Space Research (Elsevier); IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation; IET Proc. Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Information Engineering, Pervasive computing; etc.
  • Referee (Research Proposals): Refereed research proposals for different grant awarding bodies (EPSRC, MRC, NERC, PPARC, Royal Society, British Council, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), KFUPM (KSA), etc).
  • PhD External Examiner: Acted as an external PhD examiner for the following British Universities: Warwick (3 times), Liverpool (3 times), Nottingham Trent, Hull and Glamorgan. Also, University of Karachi-Pakistan (twice).
  • Co-Chair: Conference Co-Chair of the Int. Conference on CYBERWORLDS 2009, UK. Also Conference Co-Chair of the Int. Conference on Computer Science from Algorithms to Applications (CSAA 2009-Egypt). 
  • Fellow: Fellow of the Higher Education academy (HEA) - (FHEA) 
  • Chartered: Charted Engineer (CEng) - The Engineering Council (UK)
  • Fellow: Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET)
  • Technical Assessor: Technical Assessor - the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
  • Recognition: Included in Marquis Whos Who in the World (Science and Engineering),

  • Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) , Fellow FIET (1 September 2011)
  • Higher Education Academy, Fellow FHEA
  • Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) , Technical Assessor
  • Engineering Council UK, Charted Engineer CEng
