Peter Bredu-Darkwa
Information about Peter Bredu-Darkwa at the University of Bradford.
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Peter is a demonstrable and dynamic occupational therapy academic, researcher, ethically-sound practitioner, and a leader. He has a Bachelor of science in Occupational therapy from University of Ghana (UG) and a Master of philosophy in Disability, Rehabilitation and Development from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). My research interests are primarily within the field of disability and rehabilitation, specifically planning, developing, implementing and evaluating context-specific strategies and interventions for addressing disability and rehabilitation (including community-based rehabilitation approaches) based on the components of the CBR-Matrix. I also have interest is in research adapting and modifying occupational therapy models, frames of reference, approaches and interventions to be culturally sensitive and contextually relevant to different populations and settings. I further have interest in general public health research and open for any research project in public health as well.
My research interests are primarily within the field of disability and rehabilitation, specifically planning, developing, implementing and evaluating context-specific strategies and interventions for addressing disability and rehabilitation (including community-based rehabilitation approaches) based on the components of the CBR-Matrix. I also have interest is in research adapting and modifying occupational therapy models, frames of reference, approaches and interventions to be culturally sensitive and contextually relevant to different populations and settings. I further have interest in general public health research and open for any research project in public health aimed at helping individuals and populations live a meaningful and purposeful lives.
Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Mr Peter Bredu-Darkwa as follows:
Teaching interests
I have interest in teaching the subject of Occupational therapy, occupational science, disability, rehabilitation, public health, research methods.