Dr. Nadeem Khan
Information about Dr. Nadeem Khan at the University of Bradford.
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Nadeem Khan joined Bradford University in April 2022 as an Assistant Professor. After initial qualification as a registered nurse, Nadeem progressed to become a lead nurse in oncology before moving to critical care where he has continued to develop his clinical, managerial and teaching roles. Notwithstanding his clinical commitments he has managed to obtain a series of qualifications throughout his career, including a BSc in nursing, a Critical Care Graduate Certificate and a Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Professional Education. Nadeemâs interest is predominantly education ,professional workforce development and retention in adult critical care areas. He has completed his PhD in 2021 whilst working full time in critical care as a senior charge/professional development nurse. Nadeem has extensive teaching experience in both clinical and academic settings, He has taught at Oxford Brookes University as an associate lecturer/teaching fellow and contributed to the development of various in-house education programmes within the adult critical care settings in Oxford such as a foundation programme, a critical care course and the ALERT course. He is passionate about teaching, education, workforce development, simulation, research and inclusion, diversity and racial equality.
Interested in workforce retention through creating a healthy working environment in health care settings
Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Dr. Nadeem Khan as follows:
Teaching interests
Using a variety of methods but passionate about interactive and participatory teaching.