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Munro Price

Emeritus Professor - FOMLSS

School of Social Sciences
Faculty of Mgmt, Law & Social Sciences
Munro Price


Munro Price's main field is modern international history, focusing on France in particular, and in recent years its role in international relations from the eighteenth century to the present day. His book The Fall of the French Monarchy (Macmillan), which reassessed the French royal family’s secret policy towards the Revolution in a transnational context, won the 2002 Franco-British Society Literary Prize, and was shortlisted for the PEN/Hessell-Tiltman Prize and the Longmans/History Today Prize. This was followed in 2007 by The Perilous Crown: France Between Revolutions (Macmillan), which was published in France as Louis-Philippe; le Prince et le Roi by Editions Bernard de Fallois in 2009. His latest book, Napoleon: the End of Glory (Oxford University Press, 2014 a reinterpretation of Napoleon's downfall up to 1814, was published in Germany in 2015 as Napoleon: der Untergang by Siedler Verlag. His current book project is a study of the French Revolution in international context.

Munro Price is a Fellow of the Historical Assocation and a Trustee of the Society for the Study of French History. He also reviews regularly both for academic journals and the broadsheet press (Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph, Times Literary Supplement, Literary Review). 


French and European political and diplomatic history from 1750, centring on the French Revolution and the early 19th century. French and European political and diplomatic history from 1750, centring on the French Revolution and the early 19th century. Current Projects French foreign policy from the fall of Napoleon to the mid-nineteenth century. Current Projects French foreign policy from the fall of Napoleon to the mid-nineteenth century.