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Jan Oyebode

Chair in Dementia Care

Centre for Applied Dementia Studies
Faculty of Health Studies
Jan Oyebode


I moved to the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies at the University of Bradford in 2013. Before that I combined an NHS career as a clinical psychologist with older people, most recently in Birmingham, with a role as Director of the University Birmingham Clinical Psychology Doctorate.

My current research interests focus on how to support people with dementia to live well in the community. My research has explored family relationships in dementia, and how the impact of dementia, and ways of coping with it, are influenced by diversity, including ethnicity and culture, type of dementia (I have a particular interest in fronto-temporal dementia) and age of onset (I have a particular interest in young onset).  I am a member of the National Steering Group for the Young Onset Dementia Network and lead their Research and Evidence Workstream.

My recent and ongoing young onset dementia research studies include:
  • Social care for people with YOD: current practice and recommendations and resources for improvement. The DYNAMIC project.
  • Young-onset dementia: Clinical investigations for Appropriate care and psychosocial support. YOD-CARE.
  • The Angela project, to improve diagnosis and post-diagnostic support for people with young onset dementia.
  • RHAPSODY, an ESRC funded European study to develop an on-line intervention for carers of people with young onset dementia.  
I have recent or ongoing PhD students focused on ethnicity and dementia, including projects focused on aspects of dementia understanding and care in the South Asian, Irish, African-Caribbean and Chinese communities.  

I am also a co-investigator in the Carecoach and SIDECAR-Implementation studies and I am University of Bradford lead for the DEFIN-YD study.  

See details of projects in our research section and details of PhD students on our doctoral pages. 

You can see a bit about one of my projects here:


My main interests are in psychological understanding of how people living in the community with dementia cope and the influence on this of diversity, type of dementia, age of onset and culture.

Current projects

Social care for people with YOD: current practice and recommendations and resources for improvement. The DYNAMIC project. Principal investigator, with Catherine Quinn, Kate Gridley, Vasileios Stamou and Clare Mason. 1.4.23 – 30.09.25

Young-onset dementia: Clinical investigations for Appropriate care and psychosocial support. YOD-CARE. Co-investigator, with Professor Christian Bakker and 16 Netherlands researchers.1.4.23 – 30.03.27.  

The implementation of the SIDECAR (Scales measuring Impact of Dementia on Carers) tool in social care settings. Co-investigator, with Sahdia Parveen, S (PI), Catherine Quinn, Siobhan Reilly, Mark Wilberforce, Mike Horton, & Sandra Barker. NIHR School for Social Care Research. 2022 – 2024 @

Adapting and testing an intervention for carers of people with dementia - CARECOACH, NIHR,  Co-investigator, with Chris Fox (PI), University of Exeter, and Jane Cross (Co-PI) University of East Anglia, and 16 team, 2021 - 2026.

Professional activities

  • Liverpool University - M Psychol
  • Sheffield Polytechnic - Certificate in NHS Management
  • University of Newcastle upon Tyne - PhD
  • Liverpool University - BA (Hons) Psychology

  • NHS -

  • Registered Member: HCPC Registered Clinical Psychologist


  • Stressors and coping strategies of community family caregivers of older relatives living with long-term health conditions in mainland China.

    Bifarin, O., Quinn, C, Breen, L., Wu, C., Ke, M, Yu, L., Oyebode, J. (2021) British Society of Gerontology (BSG) 2021 50th Anniversary Conference.

  • Intersections between the Chinese culture and older people caregiving- Perspective of the Generation Z & Millennials

    Bifarin, O., Zhang, B., Oyebode, J., Quinn, C, Breen, L. (2020) British Society of Gerontology 49th Annual Conference. .

  • The ANGELA Project: Improving diagnosis and post-diagnostic support for younger people with dementia and their families/supporters.

    Stamou, V., La Fontaine, J., Oyebode J., Jones B., Gage, H., O’Malley, M., Parkes, J., and Carter, J. P. (2018) FPOP Annual Conference 2018. 142

  • Evaluation of dementia training for staff in acute hospital settings

    Smythe A.;Jenkins C.;Harries M.;Atkins S.;Miller J.;Wright J.;Wheeler N.;Dee P.;Bentham P.;Oyebode J. (2014) Nursing older people. 26