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Dr. Jiachen Hou

Assistant Professor

School of Management
Faculty of Mgmt, Law & Social Sciences
Dr. Jiachen Hou


Jiachen joined the School of Management in 2016. Prior to this, she was Director of UG studies at the Department of Management Science, University of Strathclyde. During her PhD at Nottingham Trent University, Jiachen contributed to two European Commission-funded projects: the EU-Asia Link project and the EU-IT&C project. These initiatives aimed to enhance cooperation between Asia and Europe by fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges involved in transferring European information and communications technology to China, thereby improving technology exchange and the quality of Europe-China partnerships. Jiachen’s PhD research focused on exploring the factors influencing SMEs in product life cycle management and supplier selection processes.

Jiachen’s research interests span Industry 4.0-enabled servitization, healthcare improvement, and supply chain management. Her work has been published in leading journals, including Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,  Information Systems Frontiers, etc.

Editorial roles:

·      Member of the BAM Peer Review College (Three-year tenure starts from 2024)

·      Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Design Engineering (

·      Editorial Board Member of Journal Scientia et PRAXIS. (

Recent publications:

Emilia Vann Yaroson, Liz Breen, Jiachen Hou, Julie Sowter (2023). 'The role of power-based behaviours on pharmaceutical supply chain resilience'. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

Fatema Al-Dhaen, Jiachen Hou, Nripendra P Rana, Vishanth Weerakkody (2021). ‘Advancing the Understanding of the Role of Responsible AI in the Continued Use of IoMT in Healthcare’. Information Systems Frontiers

Emilia Vann Yaroson, Liz Breen, Jiachen Hou, Julie Sowter (2021) ‘Advancing the Understanding of Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Resilience using Complex Adaptive System (CAS) Theory’. Supply Chain Management---An International Journal. Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 323-340.

Emilia Vann Yaroson, Liz Breen, Jiachen Hou, Julie Sowter (2021)
Resilience Strategy Outcomes, Medicine Shortages, and the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain (PSC). LRN2021: The Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2021. Cardiff, UK, September 8-10, 2021

Emilia Vann Yaroson, Liz Breen, Jiachen Hou, Julie Sowter (2019) 'Resilience Strategies and the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain The Role of Agility in Mitigating Drug Shortages' In: Pharmaceutical Supply Chains Medicines Shortages. Portugal: Springer.

T Sigwele, A Naveed, Y.F Hu, M Ali, Jiachen Hou, M Susanto, H Fitriawan (2019) ‘Building a Semantic RESTFul API for Achieving Interoperability between a Pharmacist and a Doctor using JENA and FUSEKI’. Journal of Physics Conference Series.

A Naveed, T Sigwele, Y.F Hu, Mumtaz Kamala, Jiachen Hou, M Susanto, H Fitriawan (2018) ‘Addressing Semantic Interoperability, Privacy and Security Concerns in Electronic Health Records’. International Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Applied Sciences(ICETsAS) 2018.

Sigwele T, Hu Y, JC Hou, Susanto M, Fitriawan H. (2018) ‘Intelligent and Energy Efficient Mobile Smartphone Gateway for Healthcare Smart Devices Based on 5G’.  2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2018

Sigwele T, Hu Y,  JC Hou, Susanto M, Fitriawan H. (2018) ‘An Intelligent Edge Computing Based Semantic Gateway for Healthcare Systems Interoperability and Collaboration’  2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud

Rongyao He, Yu Xiong, Yongheng Cheng, Jiachen Hou, ‘Online expansion: is it another kind of strategic manufacturer response to a dominant retailer?’. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol 30 (1/2), 2016, pp 1-18


Process improvement in healthcare industry, knowledge management & decision making for SMEs, sustainable supply chain, business process and IT alignment, and servitization. 

Research projects

Research collaborator

  • Healthcare (University of Lampung)
  • Digital Healthcare (University of Bradford)
  • Healthcare (Kunming University of Science and Technology)
  • Healthcare (Xiamen University)

Professional activities

  • Bandar Lampung Enhanced Smart-health Services with Smart Ubiquity (1 April 2017)
  • An investigation into how UK SMEs use social media tools to support open innovation for sustainable operations (1 January 2017)

  • Ethics Committee (HSHS), (1 March 2018)
  • Faculty Ethics Committee, (1 January 2018)
  • Ethics committee, (1 May 2017)

  • Nottingham Trent Univeristy - PhD

  • University of Bradford - Lecturer in Information Management and Decision Support

  • Supervisor: Jiachen has supervised two PhD student and five DBA students to date, and welcomes prospective students who are interested in one of the following areas: process improvement in healthcare industry, knowledge management and open innovation for SMEs, sustainable supply chain, business process and IT alignment, and big data.

  • Higher Education Academy , Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (10 December 2013)
  • SAP, ERP SAP certified business associate (30 June 2010)


  • Investigating the Impact of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) on Healthcare: Analysing Perspectives from Healthcare Organisations, Healthcare Professionals, and Patients to Establish a Research Agenda

    Hou, J.;Li, J. (2024) N/A. In Nguyen, T.A. editor(s) Elsevier.

  • Resilience Strategies and the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain The Role of Agility in Mitigating Drug Shortages

    Emilia Vann Yaroson, Liz Breen,Jiachen Hou, Julie Sowter (2019) Pharmaceutical Supply Chains Medicines Shortages. Springer .

  • Service and Components Oriented Environment for Conducting Product Design Specification

    Jiachen Hou & Daizhong Su (2006) Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design III. Springer .

  • Management of networked organizations using a Web-enabled collaborative environment

    Su, D., Hull, J.B. and Hou, J. (2003) Advanced Design, Production and Management Systems. Taylor and Francis .

  • Building a Semantic RESTFul API for Achieving Interoperability between a Pharmacist and a Doctor using JENA and FUSEKI

    Tshiamo Sigwele, Yim Fun Hu, Muhammad Ali, Jiachen Hou, Misfa Susanto, Helmy Fitriawan, Arjmand Naveed (2018) 2018 International Conference on Engineering, Technologies, and Applied Sciences. unknown

  • Intelligent and Energy Efficient Mobile Smartphone Gateway for Healthcare Smart Devices based on 5G

    Tshiamo Sigwele, Yim Fun Hu, Muhammad Ali, Jiacheng Hou, Misfa Susanto, Helmy Fitriawan (2018) IEEE Global Communications Conference . Unknown

  • An Intelligent Edge Computing Based Semantic Gateway for Healthcare Systems Interoperability and Collaboration

    Tshiamo Sigwele, Yim Fun Hu, Muhammad Ali, Jiacheng Hou, Misfa Susanto, Helmy Fitriawan (2018) 2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud . Unknown

  • Framework of creating an interactive knowledge based social media hub to enhance stakeholders’ engagement in healthcare industry

    Jiachen Hou (2017) International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management conference,. unknown

  • Strategic Supplier Selection Model for Mass Customisation

    Jiachen Hou, Daizhong Su (2006) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacture. unknown

  • Manufacturer Centralised Environment for Product Life Cycle Analysis, Supplier Selection and Knowledge Allocation’

    Jiachen Hou, Daizhong Su (2006) Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Transmissions. unknown

  • Modularised Product Design Specification within the Web-Services Environment

    Jiachen Hou, Daizhong Su (2006) roceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacture. unknown

  • Manufacturer Centralized Product Design Specification Environment—Collaborative Research Supported by Asia Link Programme’

    Jiachen Hou, Daizhong Su (2005) China Europe Engineering Education. unknown

  • Integration of Web-based techniques and business strategies into the development of a network supported system for supplier selection’

    Jiachen Hou, Daizhong Su, B Hull (2004) Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design. unknown