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Dr. John Buckley,

Information about Dr. John Buckley at the University of Bradford.

School of Engineering
(Faculty of Eng & Digital Technologies)
+44 1274 234641
Photo of Dr. John Buckley


John is currently a Reader in Movement Biomechanics at the University of Bradford. John has a background in sport science and bioengineering. He joined the university in 2002 as post-doctoral research assistant in the School of Optometry and Vision Science, where he then held two research fellowships; one from the Health Foundation investigating the impact of correctable visual impairment upon balance and mobility in elderly and young subjects; and the other as an RCUK Academic fellow investigating Medical & Healthcare Technology. He moved to the School of Engineering in 2012. John’s interests are in developing and using motion analysis approaches to determine the movement adaptations and/or compensatory mechanisms used for locomotion by individuals with musculoskeletal abnormalities, problems or dysfunction, and/or by those with sensory impairment. John is a registered Clinical Scientist (Health Professions Council, UK), a member of the International Society of Biomechanics and International Society for Posture and Gait Research, and a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy.


John's research interests are in developing and using biomechanical modelling to determine the movement adaptations and/or compensatory mechanisms used for locomotion by individuals with musculo-skeletal abnormalities, problems or dysfunction, and/or by those with sensory impairment. Recent work has determined how correctable visual impairment impacts balance and locomotion in older adults; if features to enhance sensorimotor control are necessary in order to gain full advantage of improved lower-limb prosthetic design; whether manipulating the appearance of steps and stairs will make them safer for older people to negotiate; and whether there is a link between visual processing abilities and elite sporting performance. Current work includes, understanding visual performance under dynamic testing conditions and its association with gait safety and fear of falling; how biomechanical outcomes from simple everyday tasks predict stairs falls risk; and how visual computing can be used to help diagnose the movement disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease.

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Dr. John Buckley is as follows:

  • Committee for Ethics in Research,