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Dr. Irekpitan Okukpon

Information about Dr. Irekpitan Okukpon at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Irekpitan Okukpon


Irekpitan is an Assistant Professor and currently Interim Director of Research at the School of Law, Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences (FOMLSSS), University of Bradford, United Kingdom. Irekpitan has extensive experience in research and teaching since 2010, with a PhD degree in Environmental Law from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, an LL.M degree in Marine & Environmental Law (with Distinction) from the same Institution, and a first degree in law from the University of Benin, Nigeria. Previously Acting Head, Department of Public Law, Associate Research Professor and Deputy Director, Continuing Legal Education, Consultancy and Regional Economic Integration Law (CLECREIL), Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS) Nigeria, she has been involved in various research projects and curriculum development roles with international organizations such as the MacArthur Foundation, UNESCO, Open Society Foundation, International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Her core areas of research include Waste Management and the Circular Economy; Business and Human Rights; and criminal justice responses to Violent Extremism. Since 2015, her research focuses on implementing sustainable mechanisms for electronic and plastic waste in the Global South. Hence, her various publications specifically address challenges and solutions for legal enforcement and implementation in the Global South. Her research has been highly impactful and cited by various policy and industry stakeholders.


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Dr. Irekpitan Okukpon as follows:

Teaching interests

Waste Management & the Circular EconomyInternational Environmental LawBusiness & Human RightsEmployment Law