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Dr. Imose Itua,
Assistant Professor

Information about Dr. Imose Itua at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Imose Itua


Dr Imose Itua is an Assistant Professor and the programme lead for the BSc Public Health and Community Wellbeing programme. She is a fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health UK and a Senior Fellow of the Advanced Higher Education Academy. In addition to her role at the University, she is the lead family planning teacher for the Natural Family Planning Teachers Association and a member of the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. She has extensive teaching, leadership and research experience. At the University of Bradford, she sits on the review panel for new programmes and the ethics committee. She is also PhD/Phil/MPhil Examiner and Independent Chair. Prior to joining the University of Bradford, Imose was the programme lead for two postgraduate programmes at Arden University; Master of Public Health and MSc Global Health Management. Within that role, she developed two Master’s programmes from conception, to the running of the programmes and she lead the University to validation and accreditation by the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation, and Chartered Management Institute, UK. She sits on the University review panel for development of new programmes. Imose is an external examiner for MSc/PgDip/PgCert in Integrated healthcare practice and strategic leadership at the University of Bedfordshire. Research: Imose completed her PhD studies in Medicine (specifically cardiovascular science) in 2003 at the University of Manchester where she investigated the modulation by anaesthetic agents of the interaction between Injury and the cardiovascular responses to haemorrhage. Her research interests include cardiovascular health, women and men’s health (specifically fertility/infertility/modern contraceptives) in minority ethnic groups, and dementia. She joined the Centre for applied Dementia Studies recently. She is also interested in interprofessional education research and is a member of the Centre for Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE). She is currently developing and leading research in the area of social prescribing in relation to collaborative practice as well as developing research in the area of fertility choices in minority ethnic groups.


Imose completed her PhD studies in Medicine (specifically cardiovascular science) in 2003 at the University of Manchester where she investigated the modulation by anaesthetic agents of the interaction between Injury and the cardiovascular responses to haemorrhage. Her research interests include cardiovascular health, women and men’s health (specifically fertility/infertility/modern contraceptives) in minority ethnic groups, and dementia. She joined the Centre for applied Dementia Studies recently. She is also interested in interprofessional education research and is a member of the Centre for Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE). She is currently developing and leading research in the area of social prescribing in relation to collaborative practice as well as developing research in the area of fertility choices in minority ethnic groups.


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Dr. Imose Itua as follows:

Teaching interests

The Modules I have taught and are currently teaching are: HWS600C Project Management HWS4009C Social Policy, Society and Welfare HWS5015B Evaluating Public Health Research ACYR Community Development and Engagement HWS5002B Health Education and Promotion NUR4016 Promoting Health NUR5504 Promoting Health RES7016C Research Methods and Data Analysis NUR7070 Research in Contemporary Public Health


There are 11 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Imose Itua.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Imose Itua has 11 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Professionalisation of Domiciliary Care Workers in England in a Post COVID World 2021 British Journal of Health Care Management 27 Itua 1, Sheppy B and MacIntosh B
Dr Robot: the new normal is here 2021 British Journal of Health Care Management 27 Sheppy B, Areal A, Itua I and MacIntosh B
Utilization of Maternity Services and its relationship with postpartum use of modern contraceptive among women of reproductive age group in Nigeria 2020 PubMed-Indexed for MEDLINE 11 Ugwu A and Itua I 10.2147/OAJC.S215619
Human Factors in Home Care: Challenges and recommendations 2020 British Journal of Health Care Management 26 Sheppy B, Itua I and MacIntosh B
Navigating through the maze of caesarean myomectomy: generating evidence 2019 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 8 Khan F Z A and Itua I
Determinants of unmet need for family planning among married women of reproductive age in Burundi: A cross-sectional study 2018 PubMed-Indexed for MEDLINE 3 Nzokirishaka A and Itua I 10.1186/s40834-018-0062-0
Estimating the met need for emergency obstetric care (EmOC) services in three payams of Torit County, South Sudan: a facility-based, retrospective cross-sectional study 2018 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL (BMJ) 8 Bayo P, Itua I, Paul Francis S, Boateng K, Tahir E O and Usman A
Prevalence and socio-economic factors determining use of modern contraceptive among married men in Kyrgyzstan: evidence from a demographic and health survey 2017 PubMed-Indexed for MEDLINE 142 Kogay V and Itua I 10.1016/j.puhe.2016.10.008
Beyond Rubricated Reflection-Perspectives of instructors and students on reflection in an online Master of Public Health Programme 2016 Higher Education 0 Hofmeister A, Itua I, Shumba C and Morgan J
Exploring barriers and solutions to academic writing: Perspectives from students, higher education and further education tutors 2014 Journal of Further and Higher Education 38 305 - 326 Itua I.;Coffey M.;Merryweather D.;Norton L.;Foxcroft A. 0309-877X 10.1080/0309877X.2012.726966
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen-positivity in a Rural Community in Niger State, Nigeria: A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study 2014 American Journal of Infection Control 42 Ikerionwu B and Itua I