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Dr. Gisela Helfer

Information about Dr. Gisela Helfer at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Gisela Helfer


Dr Gisela Helfer studied Biology and Zoology at the University of Salzburg, Austria. During her Master’s studies at the University of Salzburg, she investigated the neurobiology of learning and imprinting behaviour of Japanese quail chicks. After graduating, she moved to the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Andechs, Germany, where she initially worked on the hippocampal formation of migratory birds with Prof Ebo Gwinner and later on circadian rhythms in vertebrates. Here, Gisela found her love for science in general and chronobiology (the study of biological rhythms) in particular. From Andechs, she started her northwards journey, first to do a PhD at the University of Birmingham (UK) to work on circadian rhythms in birds and then to train as a postdoctoral fellow at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health at the University of Aberdeen (UK) with Prof Peter Morgan. At the Rowett Institute, she established novel concepts in molecular mechanisms and pathways regulating seasonal physiology. By combining in vivo studies with molecular biology including neuron-targeted viral gene delivery, she characterised and identified for the first-time pathways in the hypothalamus that control energy homeostasis and appetite regulation. Her work discovered a new role for Vitamin A in the brain. Downstream of Vitamin A signalling she identified a novel neuroendocrine role for the adipokine chemerin in cellular remodelling and neuronal plasticity within the hypothalamus. Six years of postdocing, three moves and two children later, she joined the University of Bradford, where she is now an Associate Professor in Physiology and Metabolism. In 2015, Gisela enjoyed sabbatical research at the Centre of Ornithology, University of Otago (NZ) and in 20018, she visited the Department of Physiology, University of Ontario, Canada to work with Prof Denise Belsham. As independent research group leader at the University of Bradford, she continues to work on chemerin molecular physiology in the hypothalamus and investigates circadian rhythms in energy balance regulation which has recently generated significant international recognition.


Dr Helfer’s main interests and areas of expertise are in neuroendocrinology and chronobiology. Her research so far has centred on the control of circadian rhythms and seasonality in vertebrates and this has recently led to investigations in the central regulation of growth and energy balance

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Dr. Gisela Helfer is as follows:

  • N/A


  • University of Bradford - FHEA
  • University of Birmingham, UK - PhD
  • University of Salzburg, Austria - MSc (Mag.rer.nat.)
  • University of Salzburg, Austria - BSc

  • Organisation of Scientific Meetings: Alison Douglas Summer School “Food for Thought” with Full4Health (FP7 EU project), held in 07/2013 in Chiemsee, Germany
  • Organisation of Scientific Meetings: Early Stage Researcher Symposium for the British Society for Neuroendocrinology, held in 08/2016 in Glasgow, UK
  • Organisation of Scientific Meetings: Early Stage Researcher Symposium for the French and British Neuroendocrine Societies (SNE and BSN), held in 09/2015 in Lille, France
  • Organisation of Scientific Meetings: Annual meetings of the Aberdeen Centre for Energy Regulation and Obesity (ACERO) at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, UK, 2013 and 2014


  • University of Bradford, UK - Lecturer in Biomedical Science in the year 2016 (specified as 01/03/2016)
  • University of Birmingham, UK - Research Fellow in the year 2007 (specified as 01/01/2007)
  • School of Science and the Environment, University of Worcester, UK - Teaching Fellow in the year 2009 (specified as 01/01/2009)
  • Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, UK -  Research Fellow in the year 2009 (specified as 01/07/2009)
  •   Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany - Research Assistant in the year 2001 (specified as 01/01/2001)

  • British Society for Neuroendocrinology, in the year 2016 (specified as 01/08/2016)
  • British Society for Neuroendocrinology, in the year 2016 (specified as 01/08/2016)
  • British Society for Neuroendocrinology, in the year 2014 (specified as 01/08/2014)


There are 23 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Gisela Helfer. They are listed as:

  • peer reviewed journal (22)
  • reviews (1)

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Gisela Helfer has 22 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Cherries with different geographical origins regulate neuroprotection in a photoperiod-dependent manner in F344 rats 2024 Antioxidants 13 Francesca Manocchio, Francisca Isabel Bravo, Gisela Helfer, Begona Muguerza MDPI 10.3390/antiox13010072
The Chemerin-CMKLR1 Axis is Functionally important for Central Regulation of Energy Homeostasis 2022 Frontiers in Physiology 30 May 2022 Yun, H: Dumbell, R: Hanna, K: Bowen, J; McLean, SL; Kantamneni, S; Pors, K; Wu, QF; Helfer, G
Editorial: Women in integrative physiology: 2021. 2022 Frontiers in Physiology 13 Helfer G;Kadmiel M;Jethwa PH; 1664-042X 10.3389/fphys.2022.1036614
The effect of photoperiod and high fat diet on the cognitive response in photoperiod-sensitive F344 rats. 2021 Physiology and Behavior McLean SL;Yun H;Tedder A;Helfer G; 1873-507X 10.1016/j.physbeh.2021.113496
Hypothalamic Rax+ tanycytes contribute to tissue repair and tumorigenesis upon oncogene activation in mice. 2021 Nature Communications 12 Mu W;Li S;Xu J;Guo X;Wu H;Chen Z;Qiao L;Helfer G;Lu F;Liu C;Wu QF; 2041-1723 10.1038/s41467-021-22640-z
Pleiotropic effects of proopiomelanocortin and VGF nerve growth factor inducible neuropeptides for the long-term regulation of energy balance. 2020 Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Helfer G;Stevenson TJ; 1872-8057 10.1016/j.mce.2020.110876
A unifying hypothesis for control of body weight and reproduction in seasonally breeding mammals 2019 Helfer, Gisela; Barrett, P.; Morgan, P.J.
Chemerin: A multifaceted adipokine involved in metabolic disorders 2018 Helfer, Gisela; Wu, Q-F.
A seasonal switch in histone deacetylase gene expression in the hypothalamus and their capacity to modulate nuclear signaling pathways 2016 Stoney, P.N.; Rodrigues, D.; Helfer, Gisela; Khatib, T.; Ashton, A.; Hay, E.A.; Starr, R.; Kociszewska, D.; Morgan, P.J.; McCaffery, P.J.
A neuroendocrine role for chemerin in hypothalamic remodelling and photoperiodic control of energy balance 2016 Helfer, Gisela; Ross, A.W.; Thomson, L.M.; Mayer, C.D.; Stoney, P.N.; McCaffery, P.J.; Morgan, P.J.
Hypothalamic Wnt signalling and its role in energy balance regulation 2016 Helfer, Gisela; Tups, A.
Photoperiodic and Diurnal Regulation of WNT Signaling in the Arcuate Nucleus of the Female Djungarian Hamster, Phodopus sungorus. 2016 Endocrinology 157 Boucsein A;Benzler J;Hempp C;Stöhr S;Helfer G;Tups A; 1945-7170 10.1210/en.2015-1708
Thyroid hormone activation of retinoic acid synthesis in hypothalamic tanycytes 2016 Stoney, P.N.; Helfer, Gisela; Rodrigues, D.; Morgan, P.J.; McCaffery, P.J.
Photoperiodic Effects on Seasonal Physiology, Reproductive Status and Hypothalamic Gene Expression in Young Male F344 Rats 2015 Tavolaro, F.M.; Thomson, L.M.; Ross, A.W.; Morgan, P.J.; Helfer, Gisela
Photoperiod Regulates Lean Mass Accretion, but Not Adiposity, in Growing F344 Rats Fed a High Fat Diet 2015 Ross, A.W.; Russell, L.; Helfer, Gisela; Thomson, L.M.; Dalby, M.J.; Morgan, P.J.
Dual signal transduction pathways activated by TSH receptors in rat primary 1 tanycyte cultures 2015 Bolborea, M.; Helfer, Gisela; Ebling, F.J.P.; Barrett, P.
Neuromedin U partly mimics thyroid-stimulating hormone and triggers Wnt/β-catenin signalling in the photoperiodic response of F344 rats. 2013 Journal of Neuroendocrinology 25 Helfer G;Ross AW;Morgan PJ; 1365-2826 10.1111/jne.12116
Photoperiod regulates vitamin A and Wnt/β-catenin signaling in F344 rats. 2012 Endocrinology 153 Helfer G;Ross AW;Russell L;Thomson LM;Shearer KD;Goodman TH;McCaffery PJ;Morgan PJ; 1945-7170 10.1210/en.2011-1792
Melatonin receptor expression in the zebra finch brain and peripheral tissues. 2012 Chronobiology International 29 Jones C;Helfer G;Brandstätter R; 1525-6073 10.3109/07420528.2011.642912
Photoperiodic expression of two RALDH enzymes and the regulation of cell proliferation by retinoic acid in the rat hypothalamus. 2012 Journal of Neurochemistry 122 Shearer KD;Stoney PN;Nanescu SE;Helfer G;Barrett P;Ross AW;Morgan PJ;McCaffery P; 1471-4159 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2012.07824.x
Thyroid hormone signalling genes are regulated by photoperiod in the hypothalamus of F344 rats. 2011 PLoS ONE 6 Ross AW;Helfer G;Russell L;Darras VM;Morgan PJ; 1932-6203 10.1371/journal.pone.0021351
Molecular analysis of clock gene expression in the avian brain. 2006 Chronobiology International 23 Helfer G;Fidler AE;Vallone D;Foulkes NS;Brandstaetter R; 0742-0528 10.1080/07420520500521871


Dr. Gisela Helfer has 1 publication(s) listed under reviews.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Endocrine drivers of photoperiod response 2020 11 49 - 54 Helfer G.;Dumbell R. 2451-9650 10.1016/j.coemr.2020.01.001