An ontology-based system for discovering landslide-induced emergencies in electrical grid
Phengsuwan J.;Shah T.;Sun R.;James P.;Thakker D.;Ranjan R. (2020) Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies.
Professor Dhaval Thakker holds an honorary position at the University of Bradford, where he previously worked as an Associate Professor of AI and IoT.
Internet of Things(IoT)
Smart Cities
(Explainable) Artificial Intelligence/Semantic Web
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Circular Economy
Digital Health
Cities across NSR are working to improve public service delivery (PSD) based on smart, data-driven solutions. Eg optimising the routing of garbage trucks based on waste location data, or guiding vehicles to available parking spots using sensor data and GPS. SCORE aims to increase the efficiency and quality of PSD in cities to reduce costs by 10%, ie €50M savings for partner cities by 2020. In SCORE’s demand-driven approach, Transnational Teams of 9 Smart Cities in 7 NSR countries co-define shared challenges for improved municipal services. Cities pool resources and expertise to co-develop 12 innovative solutions (on eg environment, water, parking, sustainable mobility) to be tested and replicated 3x transnationally in existing urban living labs. Urban data is unlocked and made inter-operable between departments and organisations. SCORE uses an agile software development approach for open source solutions that re(uses) data to improve PSD. These innovations can then be re-used for free by other NSR cities and regions. Together, the cities have the combined resources, IT competences, and policy expertise to achieve solutions for shared challenges that they could not achieve individually. They will engage existing Smart City and Data Initiatives, SME networks, and open source communities. University of Bradford and Amsterdam Data Science assess feasibility and facilitate transnational development. University of Aarhus mobilises state of the art and dissemination opportunities.
Internet of Things
Knowledge Representation/AI
Phengsuwan J.;Shah T.;Sun R.;James P.;Thakker D.;Ranjan R. (2020) Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies.
Bhupesh Kumar Mishra, Dhavalkumar Thakker, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Daniel Neagu, Marian Gheorghe & Sydney Simpson (2020) Journal Of Reliable Intelligent Environments. 6
J Mboli, D Thakker, J Mishra (2020) Software Process Improvement and Practice.
Mishra B.K.;Thakker D.;Mazumdar S.;Neagu D.;Gheorghe M.;Simpson S. (2020) Journal Of Reliable Intelligent Environments. 6
Mishra, Bhupesh; Thakker, Dhavalkumar;Mazumdar, Suvodeep; Neagu, Daniel; Gheorghe, Marian; Simpson, Sydney (2020)
Vania Dimitrova, Muhammad Owais Mehmood, Dhavalkumar Thakker, Bastien Sage-Vallier, Joaquin Valdes, Anthony G. Cohn (2020) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
El-Haddadeh, R.; Weerakkody, Vishanth J.P.; Osmani, M.; Thakker, Dhaval; Kapoor, K.K. (2019)
Jedsada Phengsuwan, Tejal Shah, Philip James, Dhavalkumar Thakker, Stuart Barr, Rajiv Ranjan (2019) Springer Monographs in Mathematics. 1
J Phengsuwan, T Shah, P James, D Thakker, S Barr, R Ranjan (2019) ACM COMPUTING REVIEWS.
Al-Tawil, M.; Dimitrova, V.; Thakker, Dhaval (2019)
Phengsuwan J.;Shah T.;James P.;Thakker D.;Barr S.;Ranjan R. (2019) Computing (Vienna/New York).
Jedsada Phengsuwan, Tejal Shah, Philip James, Dhavalkumar Thakker, Stuart Barr, Rajiv Ranjan (2019) 15th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON - 2004.
Marwan Al-Tawil, Vanid Dimitrova, Dhavalkumar Thakker (2019) Semantic Web. 10
Thakker, Dhaval; Schwabe, D.; Garcia, D.; Kozaki, K.; Brambilla, M.; Dimitrova, V. (2019)
Jedsada Phengsuwan, Tejal Shah, Philip James, Dhavalkumar Thakker, Stuart Barr, Rajiv Ranjan (2019) ACM Computing Review.
El-Haddadeh R.;Osmani M.;Thakker D.;Weerakkody V.;Kapoor K. (2018) Government Information Quarterly. 32, 310-320.
Thakker D.;Karanasios S.;Blanchard E.;Lau L.;Dimitrova V. (2017) Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 68, 1411-1428.
Ranjan, R.; Thakker, Dhaval; Haller, A.; Buyya, R. (2017)
Jayaraman, P.P.; Perera, C.; Georgakopoulos, D.; Dustdar, S.; Thakker, Dhaval; Ranjan, R. (2017)
Thakker, Dhaval; Karanasios, S; Blanchard, E.; Lau, L.; Dimitrova, V. (2016)
Thakker, Dhaval; Yang-Turner, F.; Despotakis, D. (2016)
Osman, T.; Thakker, Dhaval; Schaefer, G. (2014)