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Dr. Daniele Scrimieri

Associate Professor

School of CSAI&E
Faculty of Eng & Digital Technologies
Dr. Daniele Scrimieri


Dr Daniele Scrimieri is Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Programme Leader for BSc Computer Science for Cyber Security and MSc Cyber Security. Daniele is Fellow of the Advance HE (FHEA) and received his PhD from the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Italy).

Daniele’s research focuses on artificial intelligence in manufacturing, including automated process planning, control and quality inspection. Recently, he has also been interested in cyber security and machine learning in healthcare. Daniele worked in industry for 8 years at LK Metrology, Nikon Metrology and MERMEC, where he designed and developed metrology software for clients such as BAE Systems, Volvo and Safran Aircraft Engines, as well as safety-critical control systems for clients such as RFI (Italian railway network). He was work package leader or senior researcher in various projects on smart factories (EC FP7 FRAME, PRIME, Copernico; EPSRC Evolvable Assembly Systems, Cloud Manufacturing), while working at the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing of the University of Nottingham. Daniele is Co-I of the Innovate UK project “Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing for Baking Industry” and was PI of the project “Automatic synthesis of manufacturing process controllers” that ran in 2022 (University of Bradford’s SURE Research Projects Fund).

Daniele is member of the EPSRC Peer Review College and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Universal Computer Science. He is peer reviewer for top-tier journals such as Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing. He is member of the Faculty Research and Innovation Committee and Postgraduate Research Sub-Committee.

Daniele teaches Software Systems Design and Testing, Cyber Physical Systems Security and Internet of Things. Both his UG and PG Cyber Security programmes have received provisional accreditation from the National Cyber Security Centre. He serves as external examiner in two universities in the UK.


Research interests: artificial intelligence, manufacturing, metrology, software engineering.


Software Engineering, Internet of Things, Cyber Security.
