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Professor Dennis Lam,
Emeritus Professor

Information about Professor Dennis Lam at the University of Bradford.

Faculty of Eng & Digital Technologies
Photo of Professor Dennis Lam


Professor Dennis Lam is an Emeritus Professor and former Chair in Structural Engineering and the Director of Bradford Centre for Sustainable Environments. He is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers and a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. He is the President of the Association for International Cooperation and Research in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures. He is also a member of the British Standard Institute B525/ and CEN/T250/SC4 committees responsible for the BS5950 and Eurocode 4. His main research interests are in the area of steel and composite structures, including the use of stainless steel, precast concrete and fibre reinforced polymers. Visiting Appointments:TCT Visiting Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2001 JTCC Visiting Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2001 Visiting Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2003 Royal Society Visiting Fellow, University of Wollongong, Australia, 2005 Visiting Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2008 - Visiting Professor, University of Western Sydney, Australia, 2010 Visiting Professor, University of Leeds, Leeds, 2011 Royal Society Visiting Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2012 Tsinghua Special Chair Professor, Tsinghua University, China, 2013 - Editorial Board:European Editor-in-Chief of Steel and Composite Structures Editorial Board Member for Journal of Constructional Steel Research Editorial Board Member for Structures Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Steel Structures Editorial Board Member for Journal of Advanced Steel Construction Editorial Board Member for Journal of Progress in Steel Building Structures Editorial Board Member for The Open Civil Engineering Journal Editorial Board Member for The Scientific World Journal: Civil Engineering Grant Reviewer for Awarding Bodies:College Member for Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) The Institution of Structural Engineers The Technology Foundation STW, Netherlands Research Grants Council, Hong Kong Chang Jiang Scholars Program, The Ministry of Education, China


His main research interests are in the area of steel structures, steel-concrete composite structures, including the use of stainless steel, precast concrete and fibre reinforced polymers.

Research supervision

Professor Dennis Lam is responsible for the supervision of 1 postgraduate researchers at the University of Bradford.

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Professor Dennis Lam is as follows:

  • Institution of Structural Engineers, Learning Society
  • Association for Steel Concrete Composite Structures (ASCCS), Learning Society
  • Institution of Civil Engineers, Learning Society

  • International Advisory Committee. Member for the Hong Kong Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel,
  • Member of European Committee on Standardisation on Eurocode 4 (CEN/TC 250/SC4) - responsible for Design of Composite Structures in Europe,
  • British Standards Institute Committee Member (B/525/4) - responsible for Design of Composite Structures in the UK,
  • European Standard Committee for Eurocode 4,
  • Technical Committee Member on Composite Construction. American Society of Civil Engineers SEI Committee on Progressive Collapse - American Society of Civil Engineers,

  • Grant Reviewer for awarding bodies:: Grant Reviewer for awarding bodies: College Member for Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) The Institution of Structural Engineers The Technology Foundation STW, Netherlands Research Grants Council, Hong Kong Chang Jiang Scholars Program, The Ministry of Education, China


  • FIStructE
  • MPhil
  • MIMgt
  • BEng
  • PhD
  • CEng
  • MICE

  • Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers, UK
  • President of Association for International Cooperation and R

  • Steel and Composite Structures - EDITORCHIEF


There are 197 publications involving or that are attributed to Professor Dennis Lam. They are listed as:

  • book (6)
  • book chapter (1)
  • conference contribution (1)
  • conference publication (83)
  • editorial (1)
  • other journal (2)
  • other publication (1)
  • peer reviewed journal (99)
  • technical paper (3)


Professor Dennis Lam has 6 publication(s) listed under book.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Design Guide for Concrete-filled Double Skin Steel Tubular Structures 2018 1 Han, L.H., Lam D. and Nethercot, D.A. 9781138340237 CRC Press
Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures 2015 1 Han, L.H., Li, W. and Lam D Tsinghua University Press
Structural Steelwork: Design to Limit State Theory 2014 Lam, Dennis; Ang, T.C.; Chiew, S.P.
Steel Concrete Composite and Hybrid Structures. 2009 Lam, Dennis
Structural Steelwork: Design to Limit State Theory, Turkish translation = Çelik Yap¿lar: S¿n¿r De¿er Teorisine Dönük Tasar¿m. 2005 Lam, Dennis; Ang, T.C.; Chiew, S.P.
Structural Steelwork: Design to Limit State Theory 2003 Lam, Dennis; Ang, T.C.; Chiew, S.P.

Book Chapter

Professor Dennis Lam has 1 publication(s) listed under book chapter.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Case Studies for Second-Order (Direct) Analysis of Semi-Rigid Frames in Hong Kong. 2010 Liu, Y.P.; Lam, Dennis; Chan, S.L.

Conference Contribution

Professor Dennis Lam has 1 publication(s) listed under conference contribution.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
2021 The 9th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures The 9th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures 1 Xianghe Dai, Dennis Lam, Therese Sheehan, Jie Yang, Kan Zhou Sheffield, UK

Conference Publication

Professor Dennis Lam has 83 publication(s) listed under conference publication.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Designing composite structures for reuse 2020 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, ICASS 2018 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, ICASS 2018 Lam D.;Yang J.;Dai X.;Sheehan T.;Zhou K. 9789889914097 10.18057/ICASS2018.K.04
REBUILD: Regenerative Buildings and Construction systems for a Circular Economy 2019 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 225 Ajayabi A.;Chen H.;Zhou K.;Hopkinson P.;Wang Y.;Lam D. 1755-1307 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012015
Flexural behaviour of composite slim floor beams 2018 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, ASCCS 2018 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, ASCCS 2018 0 Sheehan, T.; Dai, X.; Yang, J.; Zhou, K.; Lam, D. 9788490486016
Use of bolted shear connectors in composite construction 2018 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, ASCCS 2018 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, ASCCS 2018 0 Dai, X.; Lam, D.; Sheehan, T.; Yang, J.; Zhou, K. 9788490486016
Experimental study on demountable shear connectors in profiled composite slabs 2018 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, ASCCS 2018 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, ASCCS 2018 0 Yang, J.; Lam, D.; Dai, X.; Sheehan, T. 9788490486016
Finite element analysis of concrete filled lean duplex stainless steel columns 2018 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, ASCCS 2018 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, ASCCS 2018 0 Lam, D.; Yang, J.; Dai, X. 9788490486016
Punching shear of concrete flat slabs reinforced with fibre reinforced polymer bars 2017 Advanced Composites in Construction, ACIC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction Advanced Composites in Construction, ACIC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction 296 - 303 Al Ajami A.;Ashour A.;Lam D.;Sheehan T.
Bond performance of helically wrapped GFRP bars in high strength concrete 2017 Advanced Composites in Construction, ACIC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction Advanced Composites in Construction, ACIC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction 344 - 350 Saleh N.;Ashour A.;Lam D.;Sheehan T.
Experimental studies of composite slim floor beams 2017 Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VIII - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete, 2017 Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VIII - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete, 2017 181 - 193 Sheehan T.;Lam D.;Dai X. 9781564240620
Bond strength of sand-coated GFRP re-bars in high-strength concrete 2017 Advanced Composites in Construction, ACIC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction Advanced Composites in Construction, ACIC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction 330 - 336 Saleh N.;Ashour A.;Lam D.;Sheehan T.
Experimental study of beam to concrete filled elliptical steel column connections 2015 Tubular Structures - Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS 2015 Tubular Structures - Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS 2015 0 79 - 86 Sheehan T.; Yang J.; Dai X.; Lam D. 9781138028371
2013 Effect of column removal time on progressive collapse of high rise structures Effect of column removal time on progressive collapse of high rise structures Stephen, O.D.; Lam, Dennis; Toropov, V.V.
Tests of continuous concrete slabs reinforced with carbon fibre reinforced polymer bars 2013 Advanced Composites in Construction 2013, ACIC 2013 - Conference Proceedings Advanced Composites in Construction 2013, ACIC 2013 - Conference Proceedings 275 - 285 Mahroug M.;Ashour A.;Lam D.
Assessment of column removal time for progressive collapse evaluation of high rise structures 2013 Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2013 Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2013 699 - 704 Stephen O.;Lam D.;Toropov V. 9781138000612
Behaviour of Demountable Shear Connectors in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams 2013 Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VII - Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VII - Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete 618 - 631 Lam D.;Dai X.;Saveri E. 9780784479735
2013 Tests of Continuous Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Bars Tests of Continuous Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Bars Mahroug, Mohamed E.M.; Ashour, Ashraf F.; Lam, Dennis
2012 Finite Element Modelling of Beam to Concrete Filled Elliptical Steel Column Connections Finite Element Modelling of Beam to Concrete Filled Elliptical Steel Column Connections Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe
2012 Predicting unfavourable stud capacity in composite beams with profile decking Predicting unfavourable stud capacity in composite beams with profile decking Lam, Dennis; Qureshi, J.; Ye, J.
Shape effect on structural fire behaviour of axially loaded Concrete Filled Tubular (CFT) stub columns 2012 Tubular Structures XIV - Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS 2012 Tubular Structures XIV - Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS 2012 575 - 582 Dai X.;Lam D. 9780415621373
2012 Demountable Shear Connectors for Whole Life-Cycle Structural Engineering Demountable Shear Connectors for Whole Life-Cycle Structural Engineering Lam, Dennis
2012 Structural Behaviour of Concrete filled Elliptical Steel Hollow Sections Structural Behaviour of Concrete filled Elliptical Steel Hollow Sections Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe; Jamaluddin, N.
Structural behaviour of concrete filled elliptical steel hollow sections 2012 11th International Conference on Steel Space and Composite Structures 11th International Conference on Steel Space and Composite Structures 61 - 76 Lam D.;Dai X.;Jamaluddin N. 9789810727352
2012 Progressive Collapse Evaluation of High Rise Steel Structures due to Sudden Loss of Structural Members Progressive Collapse Evaluation of High Rise Steel Structures due to Sudden Loss of Structural Members Stephen, D.; Ye, J.; Lam, Dennis
2012 Flexural Behaviour of Continuous FRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs Flexural Behaviour of Continuous FRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs Mahroug, Mohamed E.M.; Ashour, Ashraf F.; Lam, Dennis
Finite Element modelling of beam to concrete filled elliptical steel column connections 2012 Tubular Structures XIV - Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS 2012 Tubular Structures XIV - Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS 2012 289 - 296 Lam D.;Dai X. 9780415621373
2012 Shape Effect on Structural Fire Behaviour of Axially Loaded Concrete Filled Tubular (CFT) Stub Columns Shape Effect on Structural Fire Behaviour of Axially Loaded Concrete Filled Tubular (CFT) Stub Columns Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
2012 Shear Capacity of Demountable Shear Connectors Shear Capacity of Demountable Shear Connectors Lam, Dennis; Saveri, E.
2011 Effects of Shear Connector¿s Position in Profiled Sheeting on Strength and Ductility Effects of Shear Connector¿s Position in Profiled Sheeting on Strength and Ductility Lam, Dennis; Qureshi, J.; Ye, J.
2011 Finite Element Modelling Of Slender Concrete Filled Elliptical Steel Columns Finite Element Modelling Of Slender Concrete Filled Elliptical Steel Columns Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe; Jamaluddin, N.; Ye, J.
2011 Buckling behaviour of concrete-filled elliptical steel columns Buckling behaviour of concrete-filled elliptical steel columns Lam, Dennis; Jamaluddin, N.; Ye, J.; Dai, Xianghe
2011 Realistic Modeling of High Rise Structures subjected to Progressive Collapse Realistic Modeling of High Rise Structures subjected to Progressive Collapse Stephen, D.; Ye, J.; Lam, Dennis
Realistic modeling of high rise structures subjected to progressive collapse 2011 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing Stephen D.;Ye J.;Lam D. 9781905088454
2011 Designing Eccentrically Loaded Concrete Encased Steel Composite Columns to Eurocode 4 using Second-Order Analysis Designing Eccentrically Loaded Concrete Encased Steel Composite Columns to Eurocode 4 using Second-Order Analysis Lam, Dennis
2011 Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns-Tests Compared with Eurocode 4 Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns-Tests Compared with Eurocode 4 Goode, C.D.; Lam, Dennis
2011 Structural Design of Concrete Filled Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Structural Design of Concrete Filled Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Lam, Dennis; Testo, N.
Numerical modelling of concrete-filled stainless steel elliptical hollow sections 2010 Tubular Structures XIII - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures Tubular Structures XIII - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures 323 - 331 Lam D.;Dai X. 9780415584739
2010 Finite element modelling of a push test with trapezoidal metal decking Finite element modelling of a push test with trapezoidal metal decking Qureshi, J.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
2010 Composite behaviour of headed stud shear connectors in pairs with profiled metal deck flooring Composite behaviour of headed stud shear connectors in pairs with profiled metal deck flooring Lam, Dennis; Qureshi, J.; Ye, J.
2010 Experimental studies of elliptical concrete-filled tube columns Experimental studies of elliptical concrete-filled tube columns Jamaluddin, N.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
2010 Finite element modelling of shear connection behaviour in a push test using profiled sheeting Finite element modelling of shear connection behaviour in a push test using profiled sheeting Qureshi, J.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
2010 Future developments of Eurocode 4 Future developments of Eurocode 4 Lam, Dennis
Experimental studies of elliptical concrete-filled tube columns 2010 Tubular Structures XIII - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures Tubular Structures XIII - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures 333 - 340 Jamaluddin N.;Lam D.;Ye J. 9780415584739
2010 Numerical Modelling of Concrete-Filled Stainless Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Numerical Modelling of Concrete-Filled Stainless Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe
Finite element modelling of shear connection behaviour in a push test using profiled sheeting 2010 Advances and Trends in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2010 Advances and Trends in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2010 679 - 682 Qureshi J.;Lam D.;Ye J. 9780415584722
2010 Modelling Headed Shear Stud in Composite Beams with Profiled Metal Decking Modelling Headed Shear Stud in Composite Beams with Profiled Metal Decking Lam, Dennis; Qureshi, J.
2009 Compressive Behaviour of Concrete-filled Elliptical Hollow Sections Compressive Behaviour of Concrete-filled Elliptical Hollow Sections Yang, H.; Lam, Dennis; Gardner, L.
2009 Predicting Moment and Rotation Capacity of Semi-rigid Composite Joints with Precast Hollowcore Slabs Predicting Moment and Rotation Capacity of Semi-rigid Composite Joints with Precast Hollowcore Slabs Lam, Dennis; Fu, F.; Ye, J.
2009 Finite Element Analysis of Elliptical Stub CFT Columns Finite Element Analysis of Elliptical Stub CFT Columns Jamaluddin, N.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
2009 Behaviour of Headed Shear Stud in a Push Test using Profiled Steel Sheeting Behaviour of Headed Shear Stud in a Push Test using Profiled Steel Sheeting Qureshi, J.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
2009 Behaviour of Headed Shear Connectors in Composite Beams with Metal Deck Profile Behaviour of Headed Shear Connectors in Composite Beams with Metal Deck Profile Qureshi, J.; Lam, Dennis
2009 Behaviour of Headed Shear Stud in Composite Beams with Profiled Metal Decking Behaviour of Headed Shear Stud in Composite Beams with Profiled Metal Decking Qureshi, J.; Lam, Dennis
2009 Modelling the Confinement Effect of Composite Concrete-Filled Elliptical Steel Columns Modelling the Confinement Effect of Composite Concrete-Filled Elliptical Steel Columns Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
2008 Prediction of Longitudinal Shear Resistance of Composite Slabs with Profile Sheeting to EC4 Prediction of Longitudinal Shear Resistance of Composite Slabs with Profile Sheeting to EC4 Lam, Dennis; Qureshi, J.
2008 Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns - Test compared with Eurocode4 Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns - Test compared with Eurocode4 Lam, Dennis; Goode, C.D.
2008 Behaviour of Concrete Filled Stainless Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Behaviour of Concrete Filled Stainless Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Lam, Dennis; Gardner, L.; Burdett, M.
2008 Structural Design of Concrete Filled Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Structural Design of Concrete Filled Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Lam, Dennis; Testo, N.
2008 Recent Research and Development in Semi-Rigid Composite Joints with Precast Hollowcore Slabs Recent Research and Development in Semi-Rigid Composite Joints with Precast Hollowcore Slabs Lam, Dennis
2007 Axial Capacity of Concrete-Filled Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Axial Capacity of Concrete-Filled Steel Elliptical Hollow Sections Lam, Dennis; Testo, N.
2007 Strengthening Ductile Metallic Structures Using Externally Bonded Fibre reinforced Composite Materials Strengthening Ductile Metallic Structures Using Externally Bonded Fibre reinforced Composite Materials Anapolitanos, I.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
2007 Analytical Model of Semi-Rigid Composite Joints with Steel Beams And Precast Hollowcore Slabs Analytical Model of Semi-Rigid Composite Joints with Steel Beams And Precast Hollowcore Slabs Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.; Fu, F.
2007 Parametric study of semi-rigid composite joint with precast hollowcore slabs Parametric study of semi-rigid composite joint with precast hollowcore slabs Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.; Fu, F.
2007 Design of Composite Stainless Steel Concrete Filled Columns Design of Composite Stainless Steel Concrete Filled Columns Lam, Dennis; Gardner, L.
2007 Three-Dimensional Finite Strip Analysis of Laminated Stiffened Panels Three-Dimensional Finite Strip Analysis of Laminated Stiffened Panels Attallah, K.M.Z.; Ye, J.; Lam, Dennis
2006 Axial capacity of concrete filled stainless steel tubular circular columns Axial capacity of concrete filled stainless steel tubular circular columns Lam, Dennis; Roach, C.
2006 Finite element modelling of semi-rigid composite joints with precast hollowcore slabs Finite element modelling of semi-rigid composite joints with precast hollowcore slabs Lam, Dennis; Fu, F.; Ye, J.
2005 Behaviour of composite steel beams with precast hollow core slabs in hogging moment regions Behaviour of composite steel beams with precast hollow core slabs in hogging moment regions Lam, Dennis; Fu, F.
2005 Axial Capacity of Concrete Filled Stainless Steel Columns Axial Capacity of Concrete Filled Stainless Steel Columns Lam, Dennis; Wong, K.K.Y.
2005 Predicting Failure for Steel Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers Laminates Predicting Failure for Steel Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers Laminates Lam, Dennis
2005 Experimental Study of Long Span Composite Beams with Precast Hollow-Core Slabs Experimental Study of Long Span Composite Beams with Precast Hollow-Core Slabs Murad, A.; Lam, Dennis
2005 Ply cracking and stiffness degradation in cross-ply laminates under biaxial extension, bending and thermal loading Ply cracking and stiffness degradation in cross-ply laminates under biaxial extension, bending and thermal loading Lam, Dennis; Zhang, D.; Ye, J.
2005 Advances in Composite Construction in the UK Advances in Composite Construction in the UK Lam, Dennis
2005 Modelling of semi-rigid composite beam-column connections with precast hollowcore slabs Modelling of semi-rigid composite beam-column connections with precast hollowcore slabs Lam, Dennis; Fu, F.
2004 Effects of steel fibres reinforcement on shear studs capacity of composite beams Effects of steel fibres reinforcement on shear studs capacity of composite beams Lam, Dennis; Nip, T.F.
2003 Strengthening Steel Section Using Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Laminates Strengthening Steel Section Using Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Laminates Lam, Dennis; Clark, K.A.
2002 Effects of Transverse Reinforcement on Composite Steel Beams with Precast Hoow Core Slabs Effects of Transverse Reinforcement on Composite Steel Beams with Precast Hoow Core Slabs Lam, Dennis; Nip, T.F.
2001 Effects of end condition of hollow core slabs on longitudinal shear capacity of composite beams Effects of end condition of hollow core slabs on longitudinal shear capacity of composite beams Nip, T.F.; Lam, Dennis
2001 Finite element modelling of headed stud shear connectors in composite steel beam with precast hollow core slabs Finite element modelling of headed stud shear connectors in composite steel beam with precast hollow core slabs Lam, Dennis; El-Lobody, E.
2001 Finite Element Modelling of Headed Stud Shear Connectors in Steel-Concrete Composite Beam Finite Element Modelling of Headed Stud Shear Connectors in Steel-Concrete Composite Beam Lam, Dennis; El-Lobody, E.
1999 Steel-Concrete Composite Construction with Precast Concrete Hollow Core Floor Steel-Concrete Composite Construction with Precast Concrete Hollow Core Floor Lam, Dennis; Elliott, K.S.; Nethercot, D.A.
1999 Composite action using hollow core slabs Composite action using hollow core slabs Nethercot, D.A.; Lam, Dennis; Elliott, K.S.
1998 Design of composite steel beams using precast concrete slabs Design of composite steel beams using precast concrete slabs Lam, Dennis; Elliott, K.S.; Nethercot, D.A.
1995 Interaction between hollow cored floor slabs and structural steelwork Interaction between hollow cored floor slabs and structural steelwork Lam, Dennis; Elliott, K.S.; Nethercot, D.A.
1989 The influence of composite flooring on the structural performance of steel beam to column connections The influence of composite flooring on the structural performance of steel beam to column connections Lam, Dennis; Davison, J.B.; Nethercot, D.A.


Professor Dennis Lam has 1 publication(s) listed under editorial.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Introduction 2010 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering 163 3 Georgopoulos C.;Lam D. 0965-089X 10.1680/cien.2010.163.6.3

Other Journal

Professor Dennis Lam has 2 publication(s) listed under other journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Experimentelle Untersuchungen an Slim-Floor-Trägern 2019 Stahlbau Stahlbau 88 633 - 641 Kuhlmann U.;Lam D.;Zandonini R.;Schorr J.;Sheehan T.;Baldassino N. 0038-9145 10.1002/stab.201900047
Anwendungsregeln für Slim-Floor-Träger unter Berücksichtigung von Sicherheit, Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit 2019 Stahlbau Stahlbau 88 625 - 632 Kuhlmann U.;Lam D.;Zandonini R.;Aggeloupolos E.;Tibolt M.;Sheehan T.;Baldassino N.;Labory F.;Schorr J. 0038-9145 10.1002/stab.201900048

Other Publication

Professor Dennis Lam has 1 publication(s) listed under other publication.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Composite Joints with Steel Beams and Precast Hollowcore Slabs 2007 Lam, Dennis

Peer Reviewed Journal

Professor Dennis Lam has 99 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Finite element analysis of concrete filled lean duplex stainless steel columns 2019 Lam, Dennis; Yang, Jie; Dai, Xianghe
Experimental investigation of bond behaviour of two common GFRP bar types in high – Strength concrete 2019 Construction and Building Materials 201 610 - 622 Saleh N.;Ashour A.;Lam D.;Sheehan T. 0950-0618 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.12.175
Performance of circular CFDST members with external stainless steel tube under transverse impact loading 2019 Thin-Walled Structures 145 Zhao H.;Wang R.;Hou C.;Lam D. 0263-8231 10.1016/j.tws.2019.106380
Recovery and reuse of structural products from end-of-life buildings 2019 Hopkinson, P.; Chen, H-M.; Zhou, Kan; Wang, Y.; Lam, Dennis
Experimental investigation of bond behaviour of two common GFRP bar types in high-strength concrete 2019 Saleh, N.; Ashour, Ashraf F.; Lam, Dennis; Sheehan, Therese
Different load bearing mechanisms in headed stud shear connectors for composite beams with profiled steel sheeting 2019 Steel Construction 12 184 - 190 Vigneri V.;Odenbreit C.;Lam D. 1867-0520 10.1002/stco.201900019
Flexural behaviour of composite slim floor beams 2019 Structures Sheehan T.;Dai X.;Yang J.;Zhou K.;Lam D. 2352-0124 10.1016/j.istruc.2019.06.021
An evaluation of modelling approaches and column removal time on progressive collapse of building 2019 Stephen, D.; Lam, Dennis; Forth, J.; Ye, J.; Tsavdaridis, K.D.
Submerged flexible vegetation impact on open channel flow velocity distribution: An analytical modelling study on drag and friction 2019 Pu, Jaan H.; Hussain, Awesar; Guo, Yakun; Vardakastanis, Nikolaos; Hanmaiahgari, P.R.; Lam, Dennis
Performance evaluation of demountable shear connectors with collar step at ambient and elevated temperatures 2019 Engineering Structures 194 94 - 105 Sencu R.;Wang Y.;Yang J.;Lam D. 0141-0296 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.05.059
Testing of a Full-Scale Composite Floor Plate 2019 Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe; Sheehan, Therese
Serviceability performance of composite cellular beams with partial shear connection 2018 Lawson, R.M.; Lam, Dennis; Aggelopoulos, E.; Hanus, F.
Behaviour of octagonal steel-reinforced concrete box columns under compressive load 2018 Magazine of Concrete Research 70 838 - 855 Wang R.;Han L.;Lam D.;Sheehan T. 0024-9831 10.1680/jmacr.16.00246
Flexural behaviour of asymmetric composite beam with low degree of shear connection 2018 Sheehan, Therese; Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
Recovery and reuse of structural products from end-of-life buildings 2018 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability 172 119 - 128 Hopkinson P.;Chen H.;Zhou K.;Wang Y.;Lam D. 1478-4629 10.1680/jensu.18.00007
Strength, stiffness and ductility of concrete-filled steel columns under axial compression 2017 Lam, Dennis; Wang, Z-B.; Tao, Z.; Han, L-H.; Uy, B.; Lam, Dennis; Kang, W-H.
Experimental investigation on continuous reinforced SCC deep beams and Comparisons with Code provisions and models 2017 Khatab, Mahmoud A.T.; Ashour, Ashraf F.; Sheehan, Therese; Lam, Dennis
Structural behaviour of beam to concrete-filled elliptical steel tubular column connections 2017 Yang, Jie; Sheehan, Therese; Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
Tests of self-compacting concrete filled elliptical steel tube columns 2017 Mahgub, Munir; Ashour, Ashraf F.; Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe
Serviceability performance of steel–concrete composite beams 2017 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings 170 98 - 114 Mark Lawson R.;Lam D.;Aggelopoulos E.;Nellinger S. 0965-0911 10.1680/jstbu.16.00048
Serviceability performance of steel-concrete composite beams 2017 Lawson, R.M.; Lam, Dennis; Aggelopoulos, E.S.; Nellinger, S.
Fire performance of innovative steel-concrete composite columns using high strength steels 2016 Espinos, A.; Romero, M.L.; Lam, Dennis
Experimental study on long spanning composite cellular beam under flexure and shear 2016 Journal of Constructional Steel Research 116 40 - 54 Sheehan T.;Dai X.;Lam D.;Aggelopoulos E.;Lawson M.;Obiala R. 0143-974X 10.1016/j.jcsr.2015.08.047
Experimental Study on Demountable Shear Connectors in Composite Slabs with Profiled Decking 2016 Rehman, Naveed; Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe; Ashour, Ashraf F.
Experimental study of beam to concrete-filled elliptical steel tubular column connections 2015 Yang, Jie; Sheehan, Therese; Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
Effect of Concrete Strength and Stud Collar Size to Shear Capacity of Demountable Shear Connectors 2015 Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis; Saveri, E.
Mid-length lateral deflection of cyclically-loaded braces 2015 Sheehan, Therese; Chan, T.M.; Lam, Dennis
Experimental study on long spanning composite cellular beam under flexure and shear 2015 Sheehan, Therese; Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis; Aggelopoulos, E.S.; Lawson, M.; Obiala, R.
Test on 15m Span Composite Cellular Beam. 2014 Lawson, M.; Aggelopoulos, E.S.; Lam, Dennis
Tests on elliptical concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) beams and columns 2014 Ren, Q-X.; Han, L-H.; Lam, Dennis; Li, W.
Experiments on the bearing capacity of tapered concrete filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) stub columns 2014 Ren, Q-X.; Hou, C.; Lam, Dennis; Han, L-H.
Tests of continuous concrete slabs reinforced with carbon fibre reinforced polymer bars 2014 Mahroug, Mohamed E.M.; Ashour, Ashraf F.; Lam, Dennis
Finite element analysis on the capacity of circular concrete-filled double-skin steel tubular (CFDST) stub columns 2014 Pagoulatou, M.; Sheehan, Therese; Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
A numerical study on the effect of concrete infill and intumescent coating to fire-resistant behaviour of stub elliptical steel hollow sections under axial compression 2014 Advanced Steel Construction 10 310 - 324 Dai X.;Lam D. 1816-112X
Experiments on special-shaped CFST stub columns under axial compression 2014 Ren, Q-X.; Han, L-H.; Lam, Dennis; Hou, C.
Numerical analysis of slender elliptical concrete filled columns under axial compression 2014 Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis; Jamaluddin, N.; Ye, J.
A Numerical Study on the Effect of Concrete Infilling and External Intumescent Coating to Fire-resistant Behaviour of Stub Elliptical Steel Hollow Sections 2014 Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
Use of hollowcore flooring in composite steel-concrete construction. Part 2 - Design considerations. 2014 Lam, Dennis; Uy, B.
Experimental response and code modelling of continuous concrete slabs reinforced with BFRP bars 2014 Mahroug, Mohamed E.M.; Ashour, Ashraf F.; Lam, Dennis
An experimental study on elliptical concrete filled columns under axial compression. 2013 Jamaluddin, N.; Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe; Ye, J.
Structural response of concrete-filled elliptical steel hollow sections under eccentric compression 2012 Sheehan, Therese; Dai, Xianghe; Chan, T.M.; Lam, Dennis
Behaviour of Headed Shear Stud in Composite Beams with Profiled Metal Decking 2012 Qureshi, J.; Lam, Dennis
Shape effect on the behaviour of axially loaded concrete filled steel tubular stub columns at elevated temperature. 2012 Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
Behaviour of inclined, tapered and STS square CFST stub columns subjected to axial load 2012 Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe; Han, L-H.; Ren, Q-X.; Li, W.
Effect of shear connector spacing and layout on the shear connector capacity in composite beams. 2011 Qureshi, J.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
The influence of profiled sheeting thickness and shear connector's position on strength and ductility of headed shear connector 2011 Qureshi, J.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
Research in composite concrete filled columns 2011 Lam, Dennis
Eccentrically loaded concrete encased steel composite columns 2011 El-Lobody, E.; Young, B.; Lam, Dennis
Initiation and propagation of transverse cracking in composite laminates 2010 Ye, J.; Lam, Dennis; Zhang, D.
Axial compressive behaviour of stub concrete-filled columns with elliptical stainless steel hollow sections. 2010 Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
Moment resistance and rotation capacity of semi-rigid composite connections with precast hollowcore slabs. 2010 Fu, F.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
Numerical modelling of the axial compressive behaviour of short concrete-filled elliptical steel columns. 2010 Dai, Xianghe; Lam, Dennis
Behaviour of Axially Loaded Concrete Filled Stainless Steel Elliptical Stub Columns. 2010 Lam, Dennis; Gardner, L.; Burdett, M.
Tall Buildings: The New Space Race: Introduction 2010 Georgopoulos, C.; Lam, Dennis
Predicting Moment and Rotation Capacity of Semi-rigid Composite Joints with Precast Hollowcore Slabs. 2009 Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.; Fu, F.
Structural design of stainless steel concrete filled columns. 2008 Lam, Dennis; Gardner, L.
Testing and analysis of concrete-filled elliptical hollow sections 2008 Yang, H.; Lam, Dennis; Gardner, L.
Modelling semi-rigid composite joints with precast hollowcore slabs in hogging moment region 2008 Fu, F.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
Properties degradation induced by transverse cracks in general symmetric laminates 2007 Zhang, D.; Ye, J.; Lam, Dennis
Free-Edge and Ply Cracking Effect in Angle-Ply Laminated Composites Subjected to In-Plane Loads. 2007 Zhang, D.; Ye, J.; Lam, Dennis
Strengthening of Metallic Structures using Externally Bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymers Composite. 2007 Lam, Dennis
Parametric study of semi-rigid composite connections with 3-D finite element approach. 2007 Fu, F.; Lam, Dennis; Ye, J.
Designing Composite Beams with Precast Hollowcore Slabs to Eurocode 4 2007 Lam, Dennis
Capacities of headed stud shear connectors in composite steel beams with precast hollowcore slabs. 2007 Lam, Dennis
Ply cracking and stiffness degradation in cross-ply laminates under biaxial extension, bending and thermal loading. 2006 Zhang, D.; Ye, J.; Lam, Dennis
Design Considerations for Composite Beams Using Precast Concrete Slabs. 2006 Hicks, S.; Lawson, R.M.; Lam, Dennis
Axial capacity of concrete filled stainless steel circular columns 2006 Lam, Dennis; Roach, C.
¿Behaviour of semi-rigid composite beam ¿ column connections with steel beams and precast hollow core slabs. 2006 Lam, Dennis; Fu, F.
Experimental study on semi-rigid composite joints with steel beams and precast hollowcore slabs. 2006 Fu, F.; Lam, Dennis
Behaviour of normal and high strength concrete-filled compact steel tube circular stub columns. 2006 El-Lobody, E.; Young, B.; Lam, Dennis
Use of Hollowcore Flooring in Composite Steel - Concrete Construction: Part 1 - The Advantages 2006 Lam, Dennis; Uy, B.
Determining the effective width of composite beams with precast hollowcore slabs. 2005 El-Lobody, E.; Lam, Dennis
Developments in steel composite construction with precast hollowcore slabs 2005 Lam, Dennis
Behaviour of Headed Stud Shear Connectors in Composite Beam. 2005 Lam, Dennis; El-Lobody, E.
Experimental study on concrete filled square hollow sections 2004 Lam, Dennis; Williams, C.A.
Axial Capacity of Circular Concrete¿filled Tube Columns. 2004 Giakoumelis, G.; Lam, Dennis
Finite Element Analysis of Steel¿Concrete Composite Girders. 2003 El-Lobody, E.; Lam, Dennis
Recent Research and Development in Composite Steel Beams with Precast Hollow Core Slabs. 2003 Lam, Dennis; Uy, B.
Composite Steel Beams with Precast Hollow Core Slabs: Behaviour and Design 2002 Lam, Dennis
Modelling of headed stud in steel-precast composite beams 2002 El-Lobody, E.; Lam, Dennis
New Test for Shear Connectors in Composite Construction. 2000 Lam, Dennis
Experiments on composite steel beams with precast concrete hollow core floor slabs. 2000 Lam, Dennis; Elliott, K.S.; Nethercot, D.A.
Parametric study on composite steel beams with precast concrete hollow core floor slabs 2000 Lam, Dennis; Elliott, K.S.; Nethercot, D.A.
Push-off Tests on Shear Studs with Hollow-cored Floor Slabs. 1998 Lam, Dennis; Elliott, K.S.; Nethercot, D.A.
Semi-rigid action of composite joints 1990 Davison, J.B.; Lam, Dennis; Nethercot, D.A.
Axial-load response of CFST stub columns with external stainless steel and recycled aggregate concrete: Testing, mechanism analysis and design 2022 Engineering Structures 256 Zhang W.H.;Wang R.;Zhao H.;Lam D.;Chen P. 0141-0296 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.113968
Wave induced silty seabed response around a trenched pipeline 2022 Ocean Engineering 245 Gao Y.;Zhang J.;Tong L.;Guo Y.;Lam D. 0029-8018 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.110527
New composite flooring system for the circular economy 2021 Steel and Composite Structures Vol 40 Dennis Lam, Jie Yang, Yong Wang, Xianghe Dai, Therese Sheehan and Kan Zhou 1598-6233 Techno-Press DOI: 10.12989/scs.2021.40.5.649
Estimation of structural steel and concrete stocks and flows at urban scale–towards a prospective circular economy 2021 Resources, Conservation and Recyclcing 174 Ajayebi A.;Hopkinson P.;Zhou K.;Lam D.;Chen H.M.;Wang Y. 0921-3449 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105821
Study on interfacial bond behavior of recycled aggregate concrete filled stainless steel tubes (RAC-FSST) 2021 Construction and Building Materials 313 Zhao H.;Li J.;Wang R.;Lam D.;Zhang Y. 0950-0618 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125532
Behaviours of circular CFDST with stainless steel external tube: Slender columns and beams 2021 Thin-Walled Structures 158 Hui Zhao, Rui Wang, Dennis Lam, Chuan-Chuan Hou, Rong Zhang Elsevier
Spatiotemporal model to quantify stocks of building structural products for a prospective circular economy 2020 Resources, Conservation and Recyclcing 162 Ajayebi A.;Hopkinson P.;Zhou K.;Lam D.;Chen H.M.;Wang Y. 0921-3449 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105026
Effect of dowel shear connector on performance of slim-floor composite shear beams 2020 Journal of Constructional Steel Research 173 Dai X.;Lam D.;Sheehan T.;Yang J.;Zhou K. 0143-974X 10.1016/j.jcsr.2020.106243
Experimental investigation of shear connector behaviour in composite beams with metal decking 2020 Steel and Composite Structures 35 475 - 494 Qureshi J.;Lam D. 1229-9367 10.12989/scs.2020.35.4.475
Experimental study on the performance of steel-concrete interfaces in circular concrete-filled double skin steel tube 2020 Thin-Walled Structures 149 Li W.;Chen B.;Han L.;Lam D. 0263-8231 10.1016/j.tws.2020.106660
Developing advanced techniques to reclaim existing end of service life (EoSL) bricks – An assessment of reuse technical viability 2020 2 K Zhou,H-M Chen, Y Wang,D Lam,A Ajayebi, P Hopkinson Elsevier
Load sharing mechanism between shear studs and profiled steel sheeting in push tests 2020 Journal of Constructional Steel Research 174 Katwal U.;Tao Z.;Hassan M.K.;Uy B.;Lam D. 0143-974X 10.1016/j.jcsr.2020.106279
Testing of composite beam with demountable shear connectors 2018 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings 171 3 - 16 Rehman N.;Lam D.;Dai X.;Ashour A. 0965-0911 10.1680/jstbu.16.00172
Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol, prevents chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment: Involvement of cytokine modulation and neuroprotection 2018 Neurobiology of Disease 114 164 - 173 Shi D.;Dong C.;Ho L.;Lam C.;Zhou X.;Wu E.;Zhou Z.;Wang X.;Zhang Z. 0969-9961 10.1016/j.nbd.2018.03.006

Technical Paper

Professor Dennis Lam has 3 publication(s) listed under technical paper.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Testing of composite beam with demountable shear connectors 2018 Rehman, Naveed; Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe; Ashour, Ashraf F.
Recent research on composite beams with demountable shear connectors 2017 Lam, Dennis; Dai, Xianghe; Ashour, Ashraf F.; Rehman, Naveed
Post-fire Behaviour of Innovative Shear Connection for Steel-Concrete Composite Structures 2017 Mashiri, F.R.; Mirza, O.; Canuto, C.; Lam, Dennis