Danielle is passionate about advancing dementia education and fostering meaningful change in dementia care. Her teaching work is dedicated to creating research-informed, innovative, and stakeholder-engaged curricula that empower the dementia care workforce with the skills, knowledge, and compassion needed to provide exceptional care. By integrating the latest research insights with input from a range of stakeholders including people living with dementia, she strives to ensure that educational programs are both evidence-based and responsive to the diverse needs of those impacted by dementia.
Current Roles
Programme Lead: Postgraduate Certificate for Practitioners with Advanced or Extended Roles in Dementia
Module Leader: Understanding the me in dementia, module on the MSc Advanced Dementia Studies
MSc Supervisor: MSc Advanced Dementia Studies final year dissertation supervisor
PhD Supervisor:
Amanda Briggs: Co-designing and evaluating simulation as an approach to delivering dementia education for student nurses
Overview: I take a leading role within the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies in relation to Dementia education. I have been involved in creating the curriculum for the new MSc Advanced Dementia studies programme (launched Sept 2019). As programme lead during the development of the curriculum I took oversight of curriculum design and delivery, undertaking University programme approval and quality assurance processes, taking leadership of the design of the curriculum and the development of innovative resources and content for its modules, which are delivered via distance learning. I was responsible for overseeing student attainment and monitoring as well as marketing, recruitment, admissions and induction. I was responsible for leading the development of, and delivering, the module
Evidence Appraisal and Synthesis. I have more recently lead the development of a new postgraduate module,
Understanding the me in dementia, which has been designed, created and is soon to be delivered by people living with dementia. This an award winning and unique module where people living with dementia have co-produced the content from the beginning.
I am the current programme lead for the Postgraduate Certificate for Practitioners with Advanced or Extended roles in dementia. This innovative postgraduate certificate is the first course of its kind in England. It is designed for practitioners from a variety of clinical backgrounds working in health care settings where diagnostic services and post-diagnostic support for people with dementia are provided. The programme aims to support learners to develop high-level skills in assessment, diagnosis, clinical management and ongoing support for people with dementia and their carers.
I am also responsible for embedding dementia education with the Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Bradford, leading on education within the BSc Paramedic Sciences programme. I also teach on the Clinical Sciences programme.