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Dr. Craig Willis,
Assistant Professor

Information about Dr. Craig Willis at the University of Bradford.

School of Chemistry & Biosciences
(Faculty of Life Sciences)
Photo of Dr. Craig Willis


There is no biography currently available for Dr. Craig Willis.

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Dr. Craig Willis is as follows:


  • University of Bradford - Assistant Professor in Bioinformatics in the year 2023 (specified as 08/08/2023)
  • Ohio University - Researcher, Physiologic Bioinformatics in the year 2021 (specified as 07/09/2021)
  • University of Bradford - Lecturer in Bioinformatics in the year 2022 (specified as 18/07/2022)


  • University of Exeter - Ph.D.
  • University of Exeter - B.Sc.


There are 19 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Craig Willis. They are listed as:

  • book chapter (1)
  • peer reviewed journal (18)

Book Chapter

Dr. Craig Willis has 1 publication(s) listed under book chapter.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Myokines, Measurement, and Technical Considerations 2023 Neuromuscular Assessments of Form and Function Neuromuscular Assessments of Form and Function Willis CRG; Deane CS; Etheridge T; Humana

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Craig Willis has 18 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Spaceflight Induces Strength Decline in Caenorhabditis elegans. 2023 Cells 12 Soni P;Edwards H;Anupom T;Rahman M;Lesanpezeshki L;Blawzdziewicz J;Cope H;Gharahdaghi N;Scott D;Toh LS;Williams PM;Etheridge T;Szewczyk N;Willis CRG;Vanapalli SA; 2073-4409 10.3390/cells12202470
Adaptability to eccentric exercise training is diminished with age in female mice. 2023 Journal of Applied Physiology 135 Baumann CW;Deane CS;Etheridge T;Szewczyk NJ;Willis CRG;Lowe DA; 1522-1601 10.1152/japplphysiol.00428.2023
A Data Collection Programme for Improving Healthcare in UK Human Spaceflight Ventures 2023 JBIS. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 76 Cope H; Deane CS; Szewczyk NJ; Etheridge T; Williams PM; Willis CRG
Mitochondrial sulfide promotes life span and health span through distinct mechanisms in developing versus adult treated Caenorhabditis elegans. 2023 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 Vintila AR;Slade L;Cooke M;Willis CRG;Torregrossa R;Rahman M;Anupom T;Vanapalli SA;Gaffney CJ;Gharahdaghi N;Szabo C;Szewczyk NJ;Whiteman M;Etheridge T; 1091-6490 10.1073/pnas.2216141120
Caenorhabditis elegans in microgravity: An omics perspective. 2023 Iscience 26 Scott A;Willis CRG;Muratani M;Higashitani A;Etheridge T;Szewczyk NJ;Deane CS; 2589-0042 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107189
Excessive growth hormone promotes joint degeneration and chondrocyte metabolic dysfunction in mice. 2023 Arthritis & Rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.) 75 Zhu S;Liu H;Davis T;Willis CRG;Basu R;Witzigreuter L;Bell S;Szewczyk N;Lotz MK;Hill M;Fajardo RJ;O'Connor PM;Berryman DE;Kopchick JJ; 2326-5205 10.1002/art.42470
RNA-Sequencing Muscle Plasticity to Resistance Exercise Training and Disuse in Youth and Older Age 2022 Physiologia 2 Fernandez-Gonzalo R; Willis CRG; Etheridge T; Deane CS;
Proteomic features of skeletal muscle adaptation to resistance exercise training as a function of age. 2022 Geroscience Sep 26 Deane CS;Phillips BE;Willis CRG;Wilkinson DJ;Smith K;Higashitani N;Williams JP;Szewczyk NJ;Atherton PJ;Higashitani A;Etheridge T; 2509-2723 10.1007/s11357-022-00658-5
Routine omics collection is a golden opportunity for European human research in space and analog environments 2022 Patterns 100550 Cope H.;Willis C.R.G.;MacKay M.J.;Rutter L.A.;Toh L.S.;Williams P.M.;Herranz R.;Borg J.;Bezdan D.;Giacomello S.;Muratani M.;Mason C.E.;Etheridge T.;Szewczyk N.J. 2666-3899 10.1016/j.patter.2022.100550
Effects of exercise intensity on gut microbiome composition and function in people with type 2 diabetes. 2022 European Journal Of Sport Science Torquati L;Gajanand T;Cox ER;Willis CRG;Zaugg J;Keating SE;Coombes JS; 1536-7290 10.1080/17461391.2022.2035436
Transcriptomic adaptation during skeletal muscle habituation to eccentric or concentric exercise training. 2021 Scientific Reports 11 Willis CRG;Deane CS;Ames RM;Bass JJ;Wilkinson DJ;Smith K;Phillips BE;Szewczyk NJ;Atherton PJ;Etheridge T; 2045-2322 10.1038/s41598-021-03393-7
Transcriptomic meta-analysis of disuse muscle atrophy vs. resistance exercise-induced hypertrophy in young and older humans. 2021 Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 12 Deane CS;Willis CRG;Phillips BE;Atherton PJ;Harries LW;Ames RM;Szewczyk NJ;Etheridge T; 2190-6009 10.1002/jcsm.12706
Transcriptomic links to muscle mass loss and declines in cumulative muscle protein synthesis during short-term disuse in healthy younger humans. 2021 FASEB Journal 35 Willis CRG;Gallagher IJ;Wilkinson DJ;Brook MS;Bass JJ;Phillips BE;Smith K;Etheridge T;Stokes T;McGlory C;Gorissen SHM;Szewczyk NJ;Phillips SM;Atherton PJ; 1530-6860 10.1096/fj.202100276RR
Nrf2 deficiency induces skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction: a proteomics/bioinformatics approach. 2021 Journal of Physiology 599 Willis CRG;Deane CS; 1469-7793 10.1113/JP280758
Single-cell transcriptomics identifies master regulators of neurodegeneration in SOD1 ALS iPSC-derived motor neurons. 2021 Stem Cell Reports 16 Namboori SC;Thomas P;Ames R;Hawkins S;Garrett LO;Willis CRG;Rosa A;Stanton LW;Bhinge A; 2213-6711 10.1016/j.stemcr.2021.10.010
Comparative Transcriptomics Identifies Neuronal and Metabolic Adaptations to Hypergravity and Microgravity in Caenorhabditis elegans. 2020 Iscience 23 Willis CRG;Szewczyk NJ;Costes SV;Udranszky IA;Reinsch SS;Etheridge T;Conley CA; 2589-0042 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101734
Network analysis of human muscle adaptation to aging and contraction. 2020 Aging 12 Willis CRG;Ames RM;Deane CS;Phillips BE;Boereboom CL;Abdulla H;Bukhari SSI;Lund JN;Williams JP;Wilkinson DJ;Smith K;Kadi F;Szewczyk NJ;Atherton PJ;Etheridge T; 1945-4589 10.18632/aging.102653
The acute transcriptional response to resistance exercise: impact of age and contraction mode. 2019 Aging 11 Deane CS;Ames RM;Phillips BE;Weedon MN;Willis CRG;Boereboom C;Abdulla H;Bukhari SSI;Lund JN;Williams JP;Wilkinson DJ;Smith K;Gallagher IJ;Kadi F;Szewczyk NJ;Atherton PJ;Etheridge T; 1945-4589 10.18632/aging.101904